What Is Another Way to Say “Partner in Crime”?

Looking for synonyms for partner in crime? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say partner in crime.

  • Accomplice
  • Cohort
  • Associate
  • Co-conspirator
  • Sidekick
  • Collaborator
  • Confederate
  • Ally
  • Companion
  • Henchman
  • Collaborator
  • Consort
  • Abettor
  • Fellow conspirator
  • Complice

Want to learn how to say partner in crime professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Accomplice

An “accomplice” is someone who actively participates in a criminal or illicit activity. It’s often used in legal contexts.
Example: The detective identified the main suspect’s accomplice in the bank robbery.

2. Cohort

“Cohort” refers to a group or a person who works with another, especially in something disreputable or criminal.
Example: The CEO was found guilty along with his cohort for embezzling company funds.

3. Associate

“Associate” is a more general term for a partner or colleague, often used in business or professional settings.
Example: My associate and I will be presenting the project proposal at the meeting.

4. Co-conspirator

“Co-conspirator” specifically refers to someone who collaborates with others in planning or committing a crime.
Example: The investigation revealed a network of co-conspirators involved in the smuggling operation.

5. Sidekick

“Sidekick” is a less formal term often used to describe a close associate or helper, particularly in less serious contexts.
Example: The junior analyst became the sidekick to the lead researcher in the project.

6. Collaborator

“Collaborator” can refer to someone who works jointly on an activity or project, not necessarily implying criminality.
Example: The author acknowledged her collaborator for contributing to the research in her book.

7. Confederate

“Confederate” refers to a person who is involved in a secret or illegal plan or activity.
Example: The suspect was seen meeting with an unknown confederate before the crime was committed.

8. Ally

“Ally” generally refers to a person, group, or nation that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity.
Example: The company found a valuable ally in their efforts to expand their business overseas.

9. Companion

“Companion” is a broader term for someone who shares activities with another, especially in everyday contexts.
Example: He traveled to the conference with a companion from the same industry.

10. Henchman

“Henchman” typically refers to a faithful follower or supporter, often used in contexts involving criminal activities.
Example: The mob boss was always accompanied by his loyal henchman.

11. Collaborator

“Collaborator” is used for a person who works jointly on an activity or project, often in a creative or intellectual endeavor.
Example: She credited her success to her long-time collaborator in research and development.

12. Consort

“Consort” can refer to a companion, especially the spouse of a reigning monarch, but also used to describe a partner in business or crime.
Example: The king’s consort was also deeply involved in political decisions.

13. Abettor

“Abettor” is someone who encourages or assists someone to do something wrong, particularly in a legal context.
Example: The court found the advisor to be an abettor in the CEO’s fraudulent activities.

14. Fellow conspirator

“Fellow conspirator” specifically refers to a member of a group engaged in a secret or unlawful plan.
Example: The agent infiltrated the organization to identify the fellow conspirators in the espionage ring.

15. Complice

“Complice” is an older term similar to accomplice, used to refer to a person who participates with another in a crime.
Example: Historical records often mention the complice in famous heists and robberies.

Linda Brown