What Is Another Way to Say “No Rush”?

You want to make a request to a client, colleague, or employee, but you also want to make it clear that your request isn’t urgent and there’s no need to rush. Is the phrase no rush suitable for a professional email?

We’ll address this question below. In addition, we’ll show you how to say no rush professionally using 10 distinct phrases.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “No Rush”

Below, you’ll find 10 other ways to say no rush in a professional email:

  • There’s no hurry
  • Take all the time you need
  • At your convenience
  • Take your time
  • At your leisure
  • There’s no urgency
  • Whenever you can
  • When you’re ready
  • At your own pace
  • There’s no deadline

1. There’s No Hurry

There’s no hurry is essentially a direct synonym for there’s no rush. However, this phrase comes across as just a touch more formal than the original phrase.

You can use this phrase to politely let a colleague know that a request you’ve made isn’t urgent and they need not prioritize it.

Have a look at the email sample below:

Dear Ariana,

There’s no hurry, I’ll just need to see it before the end of this week.

Kind regards,

2. Take All the Time You Need

If an employee is taking some time off work to deal with personal issues, such as a loss or illness, you send a kind email telling them to take all the time you need.

The well-being you’re your team is a priority, and employees should never feel pressured to return to work if they are unwell physically or emotionally.

After all, it will inevitably impact the quality of their work and potentially worsen their current condition.

Therefore, it is important to remind them to take the time they need to recover and focus on their wellness.

Let’s see this phase in an example:

Dear Dustin,

I am sorry to hear that you are unwell.

Please, take all the time you need to work on your health.

Kind regards,

3. At Your Convenience

If you’re looking for another way to say no rush to your boss, at your convenience is a great alternative.

You should use it when you are requesting that your boss take some action but don’t want them to feel rushed.

This phrase is suitably formal for a message to a superior. It makes clear that your request is not urgent and can be carried out subject to their schedule.

See the email example below:

Dear Ms. Babić,

I have provided a memorandum for you to consider below.

I would be happy to hear any suggestions you may have at your convenience.

Norma Banks

4. Take Your Time

If you have made a request to a colleague and they have expressed regret at their inability to take action immediately, you can let them know that there’s no rush with the phrase take your time.

This phrase is polite and works well if you are speaking to a colleague you don’t know very well. Essentially, you are letting them know that they can work at their preferred pace, as there is no strict deadline.

For instance:

Dear Damien,

Please take your time, as there are still a few more days until the meeting.

All the best,

5. At Your Leisure

Sometimes, in order to assist a client, you will have to request that they take certain actions or provide certain information.

As this is usually for the client’s benefit, you can make it clear that it is up to them how quickly they get back to you with the phrase at your leisure.

This phrase is suitable for a formal email, as it maintains a polite yet professional register.

Have a look at the following email sample:

Dear Mr. Maxwell,

To finalize your account, I will need proof of your current address and the front of your ID document.

Please send these to me at your leisure.

Kind regards,
Molly Trenwell

6. There’s No Urgency

You can use the phrase there’s no urgency in an email to a colleague when you are making a request but don’t want the receiver to feel as though they must prioritize your task over any others. 

This phrase is fairly tonally neutral and straightforward. Therefore, it’s a safe choice regardless of your relationship with the receiving coworker.

See how we’ve used this phrase in a sample email:

Dear Patrick,

There’s no urgency, but if you could have a look at these notes and offer some suggestions before the meeting on Thursday, that would be most helpful.


7. Whenever You Can

A different way to say that there’s no rush is to let the other person know that they can carry out your request whenever you can.

This phrase is polite but a bit more casual than some of the others on our list. You will certainly see it used in professional emails, but it is best suited for when you are speaking to a colleague with whom you have an established rapport.

Check out the email example below:

Dear Sandile,

Please send me Mr. Brown’s file whenever you can.

I would like to have a look at it before I offer any further advice.


8. When You’re Ready

When you’ve made plans to meet a coworker, perhaps to work on a task or project, you can let them know that there’s no rush with the phrase when you’re ready.

This phrase essentially means that they can finish any lingering work they need to do before they make their way to your meeting. This shows that you respect your colleague’s time and schedule, which is always a good quality in a coworker.

To see this phrase in action, check out the example below:

Dear Daphne,

I will get started on the project in Room 12.

You can meet me there when you’re ready.

Kind regards,

9. At Your Own Pace

If you are mentoring a new recruit at your workplace, it is important to be patient while they are learning the intricacies of their new role.

Therefore, you can tell a junior team member to work on a task or assignment at your own place. This means they can work on it carefully at a moderate speed. After all, if they rush, they are bound to make avoidable mistakes.

Let’s see an email sample that includes this phrase:

Dear Lorraine,

You can work on this task at your own pace but try to get it back to me by the end of the day.


10. There’s No Deadline

When you are assigning a task to an employee and there is no fixed timeframe in which you need it done, you can let the receiver know that there’s no deadline.

This phrase uses professional phrasing, which is ideal if you are a senior member of the workplace.

Moreover, it lets your employee know that they can work at their own pace, although you can state when you would prefer that they hand it in, nonetheless.

To see what we mean, check out the following example:

Dear Jason,

Could you please work on these instructions from the client?

There’s no deadline, but I’m sure he would prefer that we get back to him fairly promptly.


Is It Rude to Say “No Rush”?

It is not inherently rude to say no rush in a work email. Usually, you would use this phrase when you want to let a colleague know that a request you’ve made isn’t urgent. It essentially means that they can get on with it at a regular pace.

In fact, this phrase is generally polite and friendly. It is not expressly informal, and it is commonly used in professional emails between coworkers, but there are certainly more formal alternatives that you could use in a work setting.

Nevertheless, let’s look at two email examples illustrating how you can use this phrase:

Dear Juliana,

There’s no rush; you can get that back to me at the end of the day.

Kind regards,

Hi Dylan,

No rush. I’ll wait for you in Room 4.


Although no rush is a correct phrase used frequently in work emails between colleagues, this phrase is a tad too casual for a formal email to a client or superior.

In addition, it may appear rather standardized if used too frequently in your inter-office exchanges.

Therefore, to mix up your phrasing and keep your work emails diverse, you can use one or more of the alternative phrases from our list.

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