What Is Another Way to Say “In General”?

Looking for synonyms for in general? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in general.

  • Generally
  • Typically
  • Usually
  • On the whole
  • Broadly
  • Commonly
  • Ordinarily
  • For the most part
  • As a rule
  • Mainly
  • Largely
  • Mostly
  • Overall
  • Predominantly
  • Principally

Want to learn how to say in general professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Generally

Appropriate for describing what is usually the case or what is true in most instances.
Example: “Employees are generally satisfied with the new working conditions.”

2. Typically

Used to indicate what is normal or expected in a given situation.
Example: “The company typically sees a surge in sales during the holiday season.”

3. Usually

Suitable for situations that occur under normal circumstances or in the majority of cases.
Example: “The team usually completes these types of projects within three months.”

4. On the whole

Appropriate for summarizing a situation, considering all its aspects together.
Example: “On the whole, the quarterly financial results were better than expected.”

5. Broadly

Used to describe a situation in general terms, without focusing on specific details.
Example: “Broadly speaking, the market trends align with our predictions.”

6. Commonly

Appropriate for what is common or typical in a certain context.
Example: “It’s commonly known in the industry that brand reputation is vital for success.”

7. Ordinarily

Suitable for what is expected or usual in normal circumstances.
Example: “Ordinarily, the approval process for such initiatives takes several weeks.”

8. For the most part

Used when the majority of aspects or elements conform to a general rule or trend.
Example: “For the most part, the feedback on the new policy has been positive.”

9. As a rule

Appropriate for something that is generally true, with few exceptions.
Example: “As a rule, our company avoids engaging in high-risk investments.”

10. Mainly

Suitable for indicating the primary or most significant factor or aspect.
Example: “The success of the project was mainly due to the team’s dedication.”

11. Largely

Used when something is mostly or for the most part true.
Example: “The project’s delay was largely due to unforeseen regulatory challenges.”

12. Mostly

Appropriate for situations that are true or applicable in most cases.
Example: “The team is mostly composed of experienced professionals.”

13. Overall

Used to consider all parts or aspects together.
Example: “Overall, the merger has been beneficial for both companies.”

14. Predominantly

Suitable for what is dominant or the main element in a situation.
Example: “The customer base is predominantly in the European market.”

15. Principally

Appropriate for the primary or most important aspect or part.
Example: “The company is principally focused on sustainable growth strategies.”

Linda Brown