What Is Another Way to Say “Morose”?

Looking for synonyms for morose? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say morose.

  • Sullen
  • Gloomy
  • Melancholic
  • Depressed
  • Dismal
  • Despondent
  • Downcast
  • Somber
  • Pessimistic
  • Mournful
  • Brooding
  • Blue
  • Dour
  • Glum
  • Disconsolate
  • Eeyorish
  • Heavy-hearted
  • Woeful
  • Forlorn
  • Lugubrious

Want to learn how to say morose professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Sullen

When to use: To describe a person showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
Example: “After the meeting, John walked back to his desk with a sullen expression, disappointed by the project’s delay.”

2. Gloomy

When to use: Suitable for an atmosphere or a situation that is dismal or depressing.
Example: “The office had a gloomy atmosphere following the announcement of budget cuts.”

3. Melancholic

When to use: When describing a deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness.
Example: “Her melancholic demeanor during the conference reflected her concern about the industry’s future.”

4. Depressed

When to use: To describe a severe, typically prolonged, state of low mood and aversion to activity.
Example: “He seemed visibly depressed after the failure of his team’s project.”

5. Dismal

When to use: Appropriate for something depressing in character or appearance.
Example: “The dismal sales figures for the quarter left the team feeling disheartened.”

6. Despondent

When to use: When describing a feeling of loss of hope or confidence.
Example: “The manager was despondent about the team’s prospects after losing the key client.”

7. Downcast

When to use: Suitable for a mood of low spirits or depression.
Example: “She appeared downcast after her presentation did not receive the expected response.”

8. Somber

When to use: When describing a situation or mood that is solemn or grave.
Example: “The mood in the boardroom was somber following the discussion about layoffs.”

9. Pessimistic

When to use: To describe a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Example: “His pessimistic view on the new market expansion was not well-received by the optimistic team.”

10. Mournful

When to use: Appropriate for expressing sorrow or grief.
Example: “The team was in a mournful mood after the departure of their beloved supervisor.”

11. Brooding

When to use: To describe someone who is showing deep unhappiness of thought.
Example: “She had a brooding look during the meeting, clearly preoccupied with the budget issues.”

12. Blue

When to use: Informally used to describe feeling depressed or sad.
Example: “He’s been feeling blue since the project he worked on was canceled.”

13. Dour

When to use: Suitable for a relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy manner or appearance.
Example: “Her dour response to the team’s suggestion didn’t help to lift the meeting’s spirits.”

14. Glum

When to use: When describing a mood of sullen silence or gloomy disposition.
Example: “After receiving the feedback, James was glum for the rest of the day.”

15. Disconsolate

When to use: To describe someone who is without consolation or comfort; unhappy.
Example: “She looked disconsolate when the team’s proposal was rejected.”

16. Eeyorish

When to use: Characterized by a pessimistic, gloomy, and resigned attitude.
Example: “His Eeyorish outlook on the chances of project success was becoming a concern.”

17. Heavy-hearted

When to use: Suitable for feeling or expressing sorrow or grief.
Example: “The team felt heavy-hearted after learning about the company’s financial troubles.”

18. Woeful

When to use: To describe a condition characterized by sorrow or misery.
Example: “There was a woeful tone in her voice as she discussed the project setbacks.”

19. Forlorn

When to use: When describing an appearance of being abandoned or desolate.
Example: “He had a forlorn look when he saw the empty conference room, realizing the meeting had been canceled.”

20. Lugubrious

When to use: Suitable for an exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful manner.
Example: “His lugubrious speech about the challenges facing the industry left the audience feeling somber.”

Linda Brown