What Is Another Way to Say “Oracle”?

Looking for synonyms for oracle? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say oracle.

  • Prophet
  • Seer
  • Soothsayer
  • Augur
  • Diviner
  • Clairvoyant
  • Sibyl
  • Mystic
  • Fortune-teller
  • Visionary
  • Prophetess
  • Shaman
  • Medium
  • Spiritual guide
  • Haruspex
  • Astrologer
  • Forecaster
  • Predictor
  • Sage
  • Wise person

Want to learn how to say oracle professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Prophet

When to use: For someone who is believed to have the ability to predict the future.
Example: “In ancient times, communities would often turn to a prophet for guidance on future events.”

2. Seer

When to use: Suitable for a person of supposed supernatural insight who sees visions of the future.
Example: “The seer in the village was revered for her wisdom and foresight.”

3. Soothsayer

When to use: For a person who predicts the future, often using mystical or esoteric means.
Example: “The soothsayer warned of great changes coming to the kingdom.”

4. Augur

When to use: Appropriate for a religious official in ancient Rome who interpreted omens.
Example: “The augur, reading the patterns of birds, foresaw a prosperous period for the empire.”

5. Diviner

When to use: Suitable for someone who practices divination and seeks knowledge of the future.
Example: “In many cultures, a diviner plays a crucial role in decision-making processes.”

6. Clairvoyant

When to use: For a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future.
Example: “Many people visited the clairvoyant to gain insights into their personal and professional lives.”

7. Sibyl

When to use: Appropriate for a female prophet or oracle in ancient times, particularly in Greece.
Example: “The Delphic Sibyl was among the most prestigious oracles in ancient Greece.”

8. Mystic

When to use: Suitable for a person who seeks to achieve spiritual apprehension beyond normal understanding.
Example: “The mystic retreated to the mountains to meditate and seek deeper truths.”

9. Fortune-teller

When to use: For someone who predicts the future, typically for personal matters, using various methods.
Example: “People often visited the fortune-teller to have their tarot cards read.”

10. Visionary

When to use: Appropriate for a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
Example: “His innovative ideas marked him as a visionary in the field of renewable energy.”

11. Prophetess

When to use: Suitable for a female prophet, especially in a religious context.
Example: “The prophetess in the ancient text is said to have predicted the fall of the empire.”

12. Shaman

When to use: For a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits.
Example: “The shaman performed rituals to heal and to provide guidance to his community.”

13. Medium

When to use: Appropriate for a person who communicates with spirits, especially of the dead.
Example: “The medium conducted a séance to connect with spirits from the other world.”

14. Spiritual Guide

When to use: Suitable for someone who provides wisdom and guidance on spiritual matters.
Example: “Many people sought the spiritual guide for advice on personal growth and enlightenment.”

15. Haruspex

When to use: For a person in ancient Rome who practiced divination by the inspection of entrails.
Example: “The haruspex examined the animal sacrifices to divine the will of the gods.”

16. Astrologer

When to use: Appropriate for someone who predicts the future by the positions of the stars and planets.
Example: “The astrologer created horoscopes to guide individuals in their daily lives.”

17. Forecaster

When to use: Suitable for a person who predicts future events, often in specific fields like weather or economics.
Example: “The economic forecaster provided insights on the likely trends in the market.”

18. Predictor

When to use: For someone known for making predictions, often based on data or certain methodologies.
Example: “As a predictor of consumer behavior, she was invaluable in shaping the company’s marketing strategy.”

19. Sage

When to use: Appropriate for a profoundly wise person, especially one who is revered for their wisdom.
Example: “The sage offered counsel to rulers and was admired for his profound understanding of life.”

20. Wise Person

When to use: Suitable for someone recognized for their wisdom, often in a community or cultural context.
Example: “In many stories, the wise person is sought after for guidance in challenging times.”

Linda Brown