What Is Another Way to Say “Kindly Request”?

Are you trying to figure out how to politely ask someone to do something for you?

You might be worried that kindly request is overused or repetitive.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This article has gathered some synonyms showing you another way to say kindly request.

8 Alternative Ways to Say “Kindly Request”

Check out these 8 synonyms to learn more about how to write a kindly request:

  • Respectfully ask
  • Humbly seek
  • Politely inquire
  • Gracefully ask
  • I’d like to ask
  • Politely request
  • If you wouldn’t mind
  • If you would be so kind

1. Respectfully Ask

You can’t really go wrong with respectfully ask. It’s formal and polite. Generally, this makes it one of the best ways to directly ask someone to do something.

Try using it when asking an employee to do a task. If they’ve been slacking on a project, using this will be the gentle encouragement they need to get back in line.

It’s not rude, which is a good start. Also, it shows that you’d appreciate it if someone could move on with a project and do what you’re asking them to do.

Don’t forget to check out this email sample if you still need help:

Dear Sean,

I would like to respectfully ask that you choose your own teammates. Please make it known as soon as possible.

Sarah Howard

2. Humbly Seek

For something a little different, you can write humbly seek. It’s highly effective in most professional emails when you’re trying to encourage someone to help you.

Try using it when asking for a client’s help. It shows you’re trying to keep things respectful and formal with them.

Also, it lets them know that you appreciate everything they’ve already done for you. Humbly seeking advice or help is a great way to show that you value your clients.

We also recommend reviewing this email example:

Dear Mr. Parker,

I humbly seek your help with this assignment. I’m trying to figure out the best way for us to advance together.

Jodie Kid

3. Politely Inquire

When asking a manager for help, you can use politely inquire.

This is a great formal synonym for kindly request that works in two settings.

The first setting is as an employee. You can use it to ask your boss for help if you’re unsure whether they’ll be willing to help you.

The second is as a customer. You can use it to ask a manager or company to do something for you. It checks to see whether someone can help before assuming they’ll do what you need.

Also, feel free to refer to this example if you still need help:

Dear Carlson,

I need to politely inquire about the situation regarding my product. Do you have any updates for me?

All the best,
George Time

4. Gracefully Ask

To mix things up a bit, try gracefully ask instead of kindly request.

It’s highly effective as a more professional synonym. It shows you’re willing to work around someone, but you’d like them to complete a task for you.

Think of this more as gentle guidance than anything else.

It’s highly effective because it shows you’d like an employee to complete a project for you. This should be all you need to say to get them to focus.

Here’s a great sample email to show you more about how to use it:

Dear Jack,

Can I gracefully ask that you complete this project for me by Friday? That would be a great help.

All the best,
Joseph Riddler

5. I’d Like to Ask

You might find I’d like to ask quite useful in your emails. It’s a great way to show that you’d like someone to do something for you.

It doesn’t use kindly or any similar adverbs. Instead, it shares your intention and lets the recipient know you need something from them.

Try using it when asking your boss for help. It’s a humble and respectful way to show that you need something from them.

If you’re still unsure, check out this example:

Dear Mr. Bryant,

I’d like to ask if you’re capable of helping me with this project. I’m a bit stuck and could do with some advice.

Best wishes,
Jade Farlow

6. Politely Request

For a more obvious alternative, try politely request. It’s highly effective and shows you need someone to do something for you.

Including the word politely shows that you’re formal and respectful towards the recipient.

This keeps things quite civil and sincere. So, the recipient will appreciate your tone when including a phrase like this.

We also recommend reviewing this example:

Dear Ms. Danforth,

Can I politely request that you look into this matter for me? I’m trying to figure out whether it was a mistake on my part.

Best regards,
Jon Adams

7. If You Wouldn’t Mind

Another great way to ask someone to complete a task is if you wouldn’t mind. It’s a formal alternative to kindly request that works slightly differently.

Generally, this one is much more polite and indecisive. It doesn’t directly ask someone to complete a task.

Instead, it asks if they can fit a task into their schedule. This is a great way to show that you’re respectful and willing to work around someone else.

Here’s a great example if you’re still unsure how it works:

Dear Mr. Jeffries,

If you wouldn’t mind, could you help me look into this matter? I believe you’re better equipped to deal with these things.

William Brown

8. If You Would Be So Kind

Another great way to work around someone’s schedule is if you would be so kind.

It’s a good formal and respectful alternative to kindly request. We recommend using it when you’d like someone to help you out with something.

It shows that you’re coming to them for help and would like to see if they can do anything to assist you. Of course, they might be too busy, but they can simply reply with that to let you know.

You may also refer to this email sample:

Dear Ms. Scottsdale,

If you would be so kind, could you help me understand how to complete this task? I’m trying to figure out how to move forward.

All the best,
Joe White

Is It Correct to Say “Kindly Request”?

Kindly request is correct to use in professional situations.

We recommend using it when asking someone whether they’re happy to do something.

Generally, it’s polite and respectful. Including kindly before request shows that you’d truly appreciate it if someone could do you a favor and complete a task for you.

Here’s a great email example to show you how to use it:

Dear Samantha,

I kindly request you to do the needful and share this around. Please let me know once everyone has been informed.

Best regards,
Tom Wallace

Sometimes, you’ll also use we instead of I. This allows you to represent a company. It’s more formal and shows that the request should be taken more seriously.

For instance:

Dear Mr. Stevenson,

May we kindly request that you complete this project by Friday? That would be very helpful for our branch.

All the best,
Adam Tyler

George O'Connor