What Is Another Way to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

You’re looking for a pleasant way to end an email or express your excitement at the prospect of seeing someone again. But is there a professional way to express this sentiment at work?

In this article, we’ll show you 9 alternative phrases that you can use when hope to see you soon starts to feel worn out.

Thereafter, we’ll discuss the appropriateness of the phrase hope to see you soon in a work setting.

9 Alternative Ways to Say “Hope to See You Soon”

Below, you’ll find 9 alternative ways to say hope to see you soon in a professional setting:

  • I’ll talk to you soon
  • I’ll be in touch
  • Until we meet again
  • Let’s meet again soon
  • I hope we will stay in touch
  • I look forward to seeing you again
  • I’m looking forward to our next meeting
  • I trust we will meet again in the future
  • I’m sure I’ll see you around

1. I’ll Talk to You Soon

The phrase I’ll talk to you soon expresses more certainty than hope to see you soon. Therefore, this is a better phrase to use if you want to illustrate your authority in a work email, particularly if you are higher up in the work hierarchy.

When speaking to a fellow professional, such as a colleague or a member of another organization, you may use a more tonally neutral and professional register in your emails.

The phrase I’ll talk to you soon is very straightforward and shows that you intend to keep in touch with the other person.

For example:

Dear Tanner,

I will be out of the office this afternoon, but you can come to my desk tomorrow morning if you have any further questions.

I’ll talk to you soon.


2. Until We Meet Again

Until we meet again is a casual way to say “goodbye” in ordinary settings. However, it may add some charm to your emails with clients in some circumstances.

If you work in a corporate or business setting, you may use business casual phrasing in your emails to clients, which often borders on friendly.

This is a great way to make the client feel comfortable and cultivate a long-term business relationship.

Therefore, let’s see how we can use this phrase in an email example:

Dear Mr. Foreman,

It was a pleasure to meet with you yesterday, and I am confident that our company can provide the training that your staff needs.

Until we meet again,
Joan Holloway

3. I’ll Be in Touch

Another more professional alternative to hope to see you soon is I’ll be in touch. This phrase implies that you will proactively reach out to the receiver, as opposed to simply hoping that you will see them again.

Thus, this phrase will show that you are competent and in control. You can use it in an email to a colleague to let them know that you will be speaking to them again soon.

Consider the email sample below:

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your suggestions.

I’ll be in touch this week to update you on my progress.

All the best,

4. Let’s Meet Again Soon

When you’re making plans to meet with a colleague you are close to, you can generally use plain phrasing in your emails. In fact, being straightforward and to the point is ideal in a busy office setting.

Let’s meet again soon makes it clear that you would like to meet in the near future. It expresses neither hope nor uncertainty. This is better in a professional setting in which clarity is key.

Have a look at the example below:

Hi Kyle,

Thank you for your insights this morning.

Let’s meet again soon to finalize our ideas for the project.


5. I Hope We Will Stay in Touch

Another way to say hope to see you soon is I hope we will stay in touch. Like the original phrase, this one lets the receiver know that you would like to keep in contact with them.

You can use this phrase when you’ve met someone through networking, and you are hoping to cultivate a business relationship with them.

It’s a friendly and sincere way to show your interest in maintaining your relationship with the other person for future work opportunities.

Therefore, let’s see a sample email that includes this phrase:

Dear Olivia,

It was great to meet you yesterday, and I am really interested in your business ideas.

I hope we will stay in touch.


6. I Look Forward to Seeing You Again

Another good phrase to use when networking is I look forward to seeing you again.

This is a friendly yet professional way to show your enthusiasm if you have met someone with whom you would like to collaborate in the future.

For instance:

Dear Arshi,

I would be very keen to collaborate on this design, so please let me know what would suit your schedule.

I look forward to seeing you again.

All the best,

7. I’m Looking Forward to Our Next Meeting

You can say I’m looking forward to our next meeting in an email to a member of another company, particularly if your organizations are collaborating on a project or event.

This phrase is suitably professional but shows your keenness to work with the other person. Therefore, this is a great phrase to use to build a good rapport and a lasting work relationship with the receiver.

Check out the following email sample:

Dear Thomas,

I’m looking forward to our next meeting, as I believe our combined teams will create a thriving event.

Kind regards,

8. I Trust We Will Meet Again in the Future

The phrase I trust we will meet again in the future is a more formal synonym for hope to see you soon.

You can use this phrase in an encouraging message to a young person who is seeking to join your profession. Perhaps you met at a college careers evening or through some other networking event.

It is not unusual for aspiring talent to reach out to professionals for guidance. Being pleasant and responsive is a good recruitment method for your organization, especially if you are looking for junior team members.

See the email example below:

Dear Justine,

It is my pleasure.

I trust we will meet again in the future, as I have no doubts that you will be recruited by a top firm upon your graduation.

All the best,
Olaminde Kasimu

9. I’m Sure I’ll See You Around

I’m sure I’ll see you around is an informal phrase that you can use to close off a friendly email to a colleague you don’t know very well.

If you tend to keep your inter-office email communications quite casual, even with members of other departments, you can get away with more affable phrasing in your emails.

To see what we mean, check out the email sample below:

Dear Rebecca,

It was nice to speak with you too.

I’m sure I’ll see you around the office, and we should grab a coffee sometime!

All the best,

Is It Correct to Say “Hope to See You Soon”?

It is perfectly correct to say hope to see you soon in a friendly message or email to a friend, colleague, or client, particularly if you would like to see them in the near future.

This phrase has a very friendly and familiar tone. Therefore, it wouldn’t be suitable to use in all workplaces, particularly those of a more formal nature. However, you could use this phrase if you work at a small business or an organization with a friendly company culture.

Below, we’ve drafted two email examples illustrating how you can use this phrase in practice:

Hi Akira,

It was a pleasure meeting you last week.

I would be keen to meet again this Thursday if that would suit you.

Hope to see you soon.

Kind regards,

Dear David,

I greatly appreciate the tremendous help you’ve given me with this project, and I hope to see you again soon.


Next, let’s look at a common variation of this phrase and how to use it correctly.

Variation: Using hoping instead of hope

  • Correct: I am hoping to see you soon.
  • Correct: I hope to see you soon.

Hoping implies that you are experiencing hope presently and immediately. Therefore, if you use the gerund form of hope, you should include the word “am” in the sentence.

Although the phrase hope to see you soon is correct, it can come across as a tad overly familiar in a formal or professional email.

Moreover, overuse of this phrase will make it appear standardized and insincere.

Therefore, you can use one of the alternatives from our list to diversify your work emails or use a more formal tone.

Kahlan House