What Is Another Way to Say “I Hope You Enjoyed”?

You should know how to be polite and invested in someone when sending an email.

Something like I hope you enjoyed can work well, but you’re worried it sounds too generic and impersonal, right?

Well, you’re in the right place.

This article will explain how to say I hope you enjoyed in an email to ensure you know what you’re doing.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “I Hope You Enjoyed”

These 7 synonyms should help you to mix things up when you want to:

  • I trust you had a good time
  • I hope you found [activity] enjoyable
  • I’m sure you enjoyed
  • I hope [activity] brought you joy
  • Did you enjoy
  • I hope you had fun
  • I trust you made the most of

1. I Trust You Had a Good Time

I trust you had a good time is a formal and respectful way to show that someone might have enjoyed something.

It works well to start an email. It’s a good introduction and shows you hope someone had a good time on vacation or over the weekend (depending on how long they’ve been gone for).

You should include it to appear friendly yet professional. It usually helps you to segue the conversation into more business-related topics when you’re ready.

Also, this sample email will help you to understand it:

Dear Tom,

I trust you had a good time on your vacation. I’m so glad to see you back in the office and ready to work.

Best wishes,
Sally Taste

2. I Hope You Found [Activity] Enjoyable

We also recommend writing I hope you found [activity] enjoyable. It’s a great way to replace I hope you enjoyed that shows you’re invested in someone’s personal life.

Generally, in this alternative, you can replace [activity] with something someone did. For instance:

  • Vacation
  • Trip
  • Holiday
  • Weekend

If someone took some time off work, this phrase is a great way to be friendly and welcoming on their return.

The recipient might also be willing to discuss more about what they got up to with you. After that, you can start looking at returning the conversation to something more professional.

If you’re still stuck, check out the following example:

Dear Sean,

I hope you found your trip enjoyable. Feel free to share any photos you might have taken relating to it.

All the best,
Pete Shade

3. I’m Sure You Enjoyed

For a more confident and friendly alternative, use I’m sure you enjoyed. It’s incredibly effective and shows you’re happy to hear about someone’s personal life.

Use it at the start of an email when contacting a colleague. It shows you’re keen to learn more about what they’ve been up to.

Generally, this will show your coworker that they’re welcome back at work. If you’ve missed them, it’s a good way to let them know.

Also, check out this example to see more about how it works:

Dear Bobby,

I’m sure you enjoyed your holiday. And we’d certainly love to hear more about it during our lunch meeting today.

Dan Cole

4. I Hope [Activity] Brought You Joy

We also recommend using I hope [activity] brought you joy instead of I hope you enjoyed.

It’s slightly wordier, but it’s a great option that shows you’re interested in seeing what someone has been up to.

Generally, using a phase like this shows you hope someone had a good time. It’s a great way to show that you want people to decompress outside of work.

Use it when contacting your boss. It shows that you appreciate how busy they are at work, so you hope they find joy outside of it.

We recommend reviewing this example if you still need help:

Dear Mr. Beastly,

I hope the holidays brought you joy. Also, have you had time to think about my proposal from before?

All the best,
Kimberly Racquet

5. Did You Enjoy

Let’s mix things up a bit with this one. You can ask a formal question to find out whether someone enjoyed their time away from work.

Asking did you enjoy at the start of an email shows you’re interested in someone’s answer.

It helps to start a positive conversation with the recipient. This is a great way to build relationships and show that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know someone.

Also, here’s a great sample email to show you how to use it:

Dear Emily,

Did you enjoy your vacation? Feel free to share any details you might have about what you got up to.

Kind regards,
Jonathan North

6. I Hope You Had Fun

You may also write I hope you had fun when someone gets back from time away from work.

Even if you’re only talking about something as simple as a weekend trip, this phrase is great to use.

After all, it’s friendly and sincere. It’s also a great way to formally start an email that shows you’d like to discuss business as soon as you’ve got through the niceties.

Also, feel free to review this example:

Dear Arianne,

I hope you had fun with your family over the weekend. Are you ready to start looking through these projects now?

All the best,
Charlotte Bourne

7. I Trust You Made the Most Of

Feel free to include I trust you made the most of at the start of a professional email. It’s a great synonym for I hope you enjoyed that shows you’re interested in someone’s life.

Try using it when emailing an employee. It shows you’re glad to see them back in the office.

Also, it is a great way to start an email positively before moving on to talk about business. After all, business talk tends to be the most important matter in most formal offices.

This email sample should also help you with it:

Dear Nelson,

I trust you made the most of your vacation. Please start working on your tasks as soon as you’re back in the office.

Kind regards,
Sam Bard

Is It Correct to Say “I Hope You Enjoyed”?

I hope you enjoyed is correct to use in formal and informal emails.

It works best at the start of an email. It should be the first thing you say to a recipient when you’re interested to hear whether they enjoyed something.

Generally, it’s a polite and friendly way to take an interest in someone. This shows the recipient that you care about them more than just learning how work has been going.

Feel free to review this email sample to see how it works:

Dear Adrian,

I hope you enjoyed the business event on Monday. It sounded like you had a great time there.

Best wishes,
Sarah Pickle

You can also use it to ask about someone’s weekend. This could make it a useful phrase to include when you return to work on a Monday to find out more about someone.

For example:

Dear Sian,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We have quite a few tasks to get on with now, though.

Scott Barker

You may also come across the following variation:

Variation: Using have enjoyed

  • Correct: I hope you have enjoyed your vacation.
  • Correct: I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

Using have enjoyed turns the phrase into the present perfect tense. It shows that you hope someone enjoyed themselves in the past, and you’re happy they’re back to work in the present.

George O'Connor