What Is Another Way to Say “I’m Glad to Hear That”?

It’s great to hear some good news, whether at work or in your personal life. But is I’m glad to hear that a suitable way to respond? Is it suitably positive and can you use it in a professional setting?

If these are the questions haunting your days, we’re here to help! Below, we’ll provide 10 alternative phrases that you can use to keep your correspondence fresh.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “I’m Glad to Hear That”

Check out these 10 other ways to say I’m glad to hear that in both professional and casual settings:

  • That’s good to hear
  • I’m happy to hear it
  • I am pleased to hear
  • Fantastic news!
  • That’s great
  • Thanks for letting me know
  • Wonderful!
  • Thank you for the update
  • I appreciate that
  • Delighted to hear

1. That’s Good to Hear

If you’ve received some reassuring news from a colleague, you can respond with the phrase that’s good to hear.

This phrase is slightly less effusive than “I’m glad to hear that.” Therefore, you can use it with a coworker you aren’t very close to.

It’s a good response if your colleague has told you some good news regarding their well-being, or if they mention that they’ve solved an issue with a project. Essentially, it is just a safe choice if you want to sound enthusiastic while maintaining a professional tone.

Have a look at the following email sample:

Dear Polly,

That’s good to hear, thank you for your efforts.

Kind regards,

2. I’m Happy to Hear It

I’m happy to hear it is another good response to positive news from a colleague. Although it expresses your emotions, it still has a rather formal and professional tone.

Therefore, it’s a good response to a colleague with whom you want to maintain a professional rapport. You can use it when they have told you good news regarding work or if they have expressed that they are feeling better after you politely checked in about their health.

For instance:

Dear Edward,

I’m happy to hear it.

Remember to take things slowly as you continue to recover.

Kind regards,

3. I Am Pleased to Hear

Another way to say I’m glad to hear is I’m pleased to hear. This is a polite and formal phrase for when you are collaborating with another team or company.

This phrase will show that you are enthusiastic about the prospect of working together, and it will encourage a good, friendly rapport between you and the recipient.

Therefore, let’s see an email example that includes this phrase:

Dear Thomas,

I am pleased to hear that we will be working together for the July conference.

I know you have a very talented team, and I am eager to see hear your ideas.

All the best,
Sashin Hemraj

4. Fantastic News!

Fantastic news! is a highly enthusiastic phrase that you can use as a response to good news from a colleague you are close to.

If you have a friendly dynamic in your office, you can use more emotive language when speaking to your peers. A phrase like this one will show your positive and supportive attitude at work. All great qualities in a coworker!

See the email sample below:

Hi Grant,

Fantastic news!

I’ll let the team know our plan was a success.

All the best,

5. That’s Great

Work isn’t everything, so when you want to respond positively to good news from a friend or acquaintance, you can go with the phrase that’s great.

This is a simple way to show support or encouragement when another person tells you something regarding their career or personal life.

Let’s see a text message example that includes this phrase:

Hi Dave. That’s great, I’m glad everything worked out!

6. Thanks for Letting Me Know

Thanks for letting me know is another professional response that you can use if you’ve received helpful information from a colleague.

This phrase is very tonally neutral. Therefore, it’s a safe choice if you’re talking to a colleague from another department that you aren’t particularly close to.

The inclusion of “thanks” keeps this phrase polite, which is great when you receive an important update.

Check out how we’ve used this phrase in an email sample:

Dear Sethunya,

Great, thanks for letting me know.

All the best,

7. Wonderful!

When you’ve heard good news from a friend, you can express your delight with the phrase wonderful!

This interjection is a very kind and supportive response if your friend has updated you on their improving health and well-being. You can use it for all kinds of other social occasions as well.

However, this phrase may be a tad too emotive for workplace correspondence. Thus, we wouldn’t recommend using it in a message to your boss, for instance.

Nonetheless, let’s see an example that includes this interjection:

Wonderful! It’s great that you are doing well, and long may it last!

8. Thank You for the Update

You can use thank you for the update as a response to helpful information from a colleague at work.

This isn’t a direct synonym for I’m glad to hear that, but it does express that you are grateful to have received some info.

It is a very tonally neutral phrase, but it is still polite and professional. Therefore, it’s a good response to an email from a colleague you aren’t close to.

Consider the following email example:

Dear Dustin,

Thank you for the update, I will let my team know.


9. I Appreciate That

You can use the phrase I appreciate that when you’ve received positive feedback from your employer or another superior.

When you get good news from your boss regarding your performance, it never hurts to let them know that you appreciate it. After all, this shows that they take note of and value your input.

Therefore, let’s see how you can use this phrase in a sample email:

Dear Ms. Pritchard,

Thank you for your kind feedback.

 I appreciate that you have found my input valuable.

Kind regards,
Gerard Burke

10. Delighted to Hear

You can use the phrase delighted to hear in a message to a long-term client.

If you already have a good rapport with a certain client, you can show that you value their business with a kind and positive message.

You can either express this sentiment personally or speak on behalf of your organization.

To see what we mean, consider the email example below:

Dear Mr. Pratt,

We are delighted to hear that you will be renewing your contract with us.

Please accept this complimentary gift code, giving you access to all our services at a reduced price for the month of September.

Warm regards,
Lucilla from (Company Name)

Is It Correct to Say “I’m Glad to Hear That”?

The phrase I’m glad to hear that is perfectly correct and suitable to use in both formal and informal settings.

You can use this encouraging phrase in professional correspondence at work, particularly if you’ve heard some good news from a colleague.

Moreover, it is a kind sentiment to express in informal messages to friends and family as well. For example, you can use it if someone’s health is improving.

Therefore, let’s see a couple of email examples making use of this phrase:

Dear John,

I’m glad to hear that.

Our team would greatly benefit from your insights.

Kind regards,

Hi Murry,

I’m glad to hear that you are doing better.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need some additional support when you return to the office.

All the best,

Although I’m glad to hear that is a correct and suitably professional phrase, it may come across as a bit standardized. This isn’t ideal if you want to come across sincerely in a message of support!

Therefore, to mix up your phrasing and keep your correspondence more diverse, you can use one of the alternative phrases from our list.

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