What Is Another Way to Say “Take Into Account”?

Looking for synonyms for take into account? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say take into account.

  • Consider
  • Factor in
  • Account for
  • Acknowledge
  • Keep in mind
  • Bear in mind
  • Include
  • Contemplate
  • Recognize
  • Weigh
  • Regard
  • Reflect on
  • Pay heed to
  • Allow for
  • Be mindful of
  • Think about
  • Be aware of
  • Give thought to
  • Take into consideration
  • Incorporate

Want to learn how to say take into account professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Consider

When to use: In general contexts where thoughts or factors need to be taken into consideration.
Example: “We need to consider the environmental impact of the project before proceeding.”

2. Factor in

When to use: When specific elements need to be included in the decision-making process.
Example: “Don’t forget to factor in the seasonal demand fluctuations in the sales forecast.”

3. Account for

When to use: In contexts where acknowledging or providing for certain elements is necessary.
Example: “The budget must account for unexpected expenses.”

4. Acknowledge

When to use: When recognition of certain aspects or facts is necessary in analysis or discussion.
Example: “It’s important to acknowledge market trends when planning our strategy.”

5. Keep in mind

When to use: When reminding others to remember or consider a particular fact or detail.
Example: “Keep in mind that our customer base is very diverse while developing the marketing plan.”

6. Bear in mind

When to use: Similar to “keep in mind,” used for emphasizing the importance of considering certain facts.
Example: “Bear in mind that the software update may disrupt service temporarily.”

7. Include

When to use: When specific items, factors, or considerations need to be part of a larger entity or process.
Example: “We should include feedback from all departments in the final report.”

8. Contemplate

When to use: In contexts requiring deep thought or consideration over various aspects.
Example: “We need to contemplate the long-term effects of this decision on our brand reputation.”

9. Recognize

When to use: When acknowledging or giving credit to certain factors or influences is important.
Example: “The team must recognize the importance of consumer feedback in product development.”

10. Weigh

When to use: Suitable for situations where different elements need to be considered and balanced against each other.
Example: “Weigh the potential risks against the benefits before making a final decision.”

11. Regard

When to use: When careful consideration or attention to specific details is necessary.
Example: “Regard the latest industry regulations when updating our compliance policies.”

12. Reflect on

When to use: In contexts requiring thoughtful consideration or meditation on certain aspects.
Example: “The management should reflect on employee suggestions to improve workplace conditions.”

13. Pay heed to

When to use: When it’s important to give careful attention to specific advice or warnings.
Example: “We must pay heed to the economic indicators when planning our investment strategy.”

14. Allow for

When to use: In planning or strategizing, to make provision for certain factors or possibilities.
Example: “The project timeline should allow for potential delays in material delivery.”

15. Be mindful of

When to use: When it’s important to remain aware or conscious of certain factors during a process or activity.
Example: “Be mindful of the confidentiality of the information while discussing it with external parties.”

16. Think about

When to use: In informal or general contexts where consideration of certain aspects is necessary.
Example: “Think about the potential impact on staff morale when implementing new policies.”

17. Be aware of

When to use: When emphasizing the importance of knowledge or awareness about certain aspects.
Example: “All team members should be aware of the safety protocols in place.”

18. Give thought to

When to use: In scenarios requiring careful consideration or deliberation of specific aspects.
Example: “We should give thought to how this initiative aligns with our company’s values.”

19. Take into consideration

When to use: A direct synonym, suitable in any context where “take into account” is appropriate.
Example: “Take into consideration the feedback from the pilot project before making any changes.”

20. Incorporate

When to use: When including or integrating certain elements into a plan, project, or strategy.
Example: “The design team needs to incorporate user feedback into the next version of the app.”

Linda Brown