What Is Another Way to Say “Shallow”?

Looking for synonyms for shallow? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say shallow.

  • Superficial
  • Surface-level
  • Depthless
  • Skin-deep
  • Trivial
  • Slight
  • Insubstantial
  • Frivolous
  • Lightweight
  • Unsubstantial
  • Hollow
  • Cursory
  • Fleeting
  • Perfunctory
  • Flimsy
  • Glib
  • Sketchy
  • Facile
  • Summary
  • Piddling

Want to learn how to say shallow professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Superficial

Appropriate use: Lacking depth or substance.
Example: “The report provided a superficial analysis of the market trends.”

2. Surface-level

Appropriate use: Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious.
Example: “The surface-level review of the documents failed to reveal the underlying issues.”

3. Depthless

Appropriate use: Lacking depth of character, intellect, or meaning.
Example: “The presentation was criticized for its depthless content.”

4. Skin-deep

Appropriate use: Existing or occurring at or on the surface.
Example: “Her understanding of the complex issue was merely skin-deep.”

5. Trivial

Appropriate use: Of little value or importance.
Example: “The meeting focused too much on trivial details rather than the main objective.”

6. Slight

Appropriate use: Small in degree; inconsiderable.
Example: “His knowledge of the subject was slight and inadequate for the project’s needs.”

7. Insubstantial

Appropriate use: Lacking strength and solidity.
Example: “The insubstantial evidence did not support the bold claims made in the proposal.”

8. Frivolous

Appropriate use: Not having any serious purpose or value.
Example: “The team wasted time on frivolous discussions instead of addressing the critical issues.”

9. Lightweight

Appropriate use: Lacking in importance or seriousness.
Example: “His contributions to the brainstorming session were considered lightweight.”

10. Unsubstantial

Appropriate use: Having little or no solidity, reality, or factual basis.
Example: “The unsubstantial rumors about the company merger were quickly dismissed.”

11. Hollow

Appropriate use: Without significance.
Example: “The agreement seemed promising but proved to be hollow.”

12. Cursory

Appropriate use: Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
Example: “The cursory inspection of the product missed several key defects.”

13. Fleeting

Appropriate use: Lasting for a very short time.
Example: “His interest in the new initiative was fleeting.”

14. Perfunctory

Appropriate use: Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
Example: “The manager gave a perfunctory nod in response to the suggestion.”

15. Flimsy

Appropriate use: Lacking plausibility or substance.
Example: “The argument presented in the meeting was flimsy and easily refuted.”

16. Glib

Appropriate use: Fluent but insincere and shallow.
Example: “His glib responses during the interview failed to impress the panel.”

17. Sketchy

Appropriate use: Not thorough or detailed.
Example: “The project plan was still sketchy and required more development.”

18. Facile

Appropriate use: Appearing neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.
Example: “The consultant’s facile solution did not take into account the project’s complexity.”

19. Summary

Appropriate use: Performed speedily and without formal detail.
Example: “He gave only a summary overview of the financial report.”

20. Piddling

Appropriate use: Pathetically trivial; petty.
Example: “The piddling concerns raised in the meeting were not worth the time allotted to them.”

Linda Brown