What Is Another Way to Say “Over the Top”?

Looking for synonyms for over the top? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say over the top.

  • Excessive
  • Extravagant
  • Extreme
  • Exaggerated
  • Outlandish
  • Lavish
  • Flamboyant
  • Ostentatious
  • Grandiose
  • Hyperbolic
  • Immoderate
  • Unrestrained
  • Overdone
  • Overblown
  • Outrageous
  • Preposterous
  • Unbridled
  • Overwrought
  • Bombastic
  • Baroque

Want to learn how to say over the top professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Excessive

Excessive is used when something is more than necessary or reasonable.
Example: “The excessive use of jargon in the report made it difficult to understand.”

2. Extravagant

Extravagant is suitable for actions or expenditures that are excessive or grandiose.
Example: “The company’s extravagant launch party was the talk of the industry.”

3. Extreme

Extreme is used when something is far beyond the norm or average.
Example: “Their extreme marketing tactics were not well-received by the audience.”

4. Exaggerated

Exaggerated is appropriate for something that is overstated or overemphasized.
Example: “The exaggerated claims about the product’s capabilities misled customers.”

5. Outlandish

Outlandish is used for something strikingly bizarre or unfamiliar.
Example: “The CEO’s outlandish ideas sometimes led to groundbreaking innovations.”

6. Lavish

Lavish is suitable for something that is very rich, luxurious, or extravagant.
Example: “The company provided lavish perks to its employees.”

7. Flamboyant

Flamboyant is used for something that is strikingly bold or showy.
Example: “The flamboyant design of the advertising attracted a lot of attention.”

8. Ostentatious

Ostentatious is appropriate for actions or displays that are meant to impress others, often excessively so.
Example: “The ostentatious presentation of the annual report was deemed unnecessary.”

9. Grandiose

Grandiose is used for something that is affectedly grand or important.
Example: “The grandiose plans for the corporate headquarters were later scaled down.”

10. Hyperbolic

Hyperbolic is suitable for exaggeration used for effect, not meant to be taken literally.
Example: “The sales pitch was full of hyperbolic descriptions of the product’s benefits.”

11. Immoderate

Immoderate is used to describe something not restrained or moderate.
Example: “The immoderate risk-taking by the management led to significant losses.”

12. Unrestrained

Unrestrained is appropriate for something not controlled or limited.
Example: “His unrestrained enthusiasm sometimes overwhelmed his colleagues.”

13. Overdone

Overdone is used for something done to excess, especially to the point of redundancy or tastelessness.
Example: “The overdone branding throughout the event was off-putting to guests.”

14. Overblown

Overblown is suitable for something that is inflated or exaggerated out of proportion.
Example: “The media coverage of the incident was somewhat overblown.”

15. Outrageous

Outrageous is used for something that is shockingly excessive or unusual.
Example: “The CEO’s outrageous demands led to tension within the team.”

16. Preposterous

Preposterous is appropriate for something that is absurd or contrary to reason.
Example: “The preposterous idea turned out to be a breakthrough in the industry.”

17. Unbridled

Unbridled is used to describe something unrestrained or uncontrolled.
Example: “His unbridled ambition sometimes led to hasty decisions.”

18. Overwrought

Overwrought is suitable for something that is excessively complex or elaborate.
Example: “The overwrought procedures complicated what should have been a simple process.”

19. Bombastic

Bombastic is used for language that is pompous and blustering, with little meaning.
Example: “The bombastic speech did little to clarify the company’s future plans.”

20. Baroque

Baroque is appropriate for something that is elaborate and ornate in style.
Example: “The baroque design of the brochure distracted from the essential information.”

Linda Brown