What Is Another Way to Say “Money Hungry”?

Looking for synonyms for money hungry? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say money hungry.

  • Greedy
  • Materialistic
  • Avaricious
  • Wealth-obsessed
  • Money-grubbing
  • Mercenary
  • Acquisitive
  • Covetous
  • Gold-digging
  • Mammonistic
  • Rapacious
  • Money-obsessed
  • Profit-driven
  • Capitalistic
  • Pecuniary-driven
  • Fiscal-centric
  • Wealth-hungry
  • Money-focused
  • Financially ambitious
  • Dollar-chasing

Want to learn how to say money hungry professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Greedy

Appropriate Use: Refers to an excessive or selfish desire for wealth or possessions.
Example: “His greedy approach to business compromised his ethical standards.”

2. Materialistic

Appropriate Use: Describes a focus on material possessions and wealth rather than spiritual or ethical values.
Example: “The materialistic culture of the company prioritized profit over employee well-being.”

3. Avaricious

Appropriate Use: Indicates an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Example: “The avaricious tactics used by the corporation led to widespread criticism.”

4. Wealth-Obsessed

Appropriate Use: Describes an overwhelming preoccupation with accumulating wealth.
Example: “His wealth-obsessed mindset often led him to make risky investments.”

5. Money-Grubbing

Appropriate Use: A derogatory term implying a demeaning or unethical pursuit of money.
Example: “The money-grubbing strategies of the firm were eventually exposed by the media.”

6. Mercenary

Appropriate Use: Describes someone primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
Example: “The consultant’s mercenary attitude was evident in his disregard for the project’s long-term consequences.”

7. Acquisitive

Appropriate Use: Implies a strong desire to acquire money and possessions.
Example: “His acquisitive nature was evident in his aggressive business acquisitions.”

8. Covetous

Appropriate Use: Describes a strong desire to possess something, often wealth or property, that belongs to someone else.
Example: “The company’s covetous approach to competitors’ technologies led to legal disputes.”

9. Gold-Digging

Appropriate Use: Often used to describe someone who forms relationships for financial gain.
Example: “He was wary of gold-digging partners after his previous experience.”

10. Mammonistic

Appropriate Use: Related to the greedy pursuit of material wealth.
Example: “The CEO’s mammonistic approach led to a neglect of ethical business practices.”

11. Rapacious

Appropriate Use: Describes an aggressively greedy or grasping behavior.
Example: “The corporation’s rapacious strategies were criticized for exploiting vulnerable markets.”

12. Money-Obsessed

Appropriate Use: Indicates an excessive preoccupation with money.
Example: “Her money-obsessed mindset overshadowed the more meaningful aspects of her career.”

13. Profit-Driven

Appropriate Use: Focuses on the pursuit of profit, often at the expense of other values.
Example: “The profit-driven motives of the pharmaceutical company were questioned during the trial.”

14. Capitalistic

Appropriate Use: Pertaining to the principles of capitalism, often emphasizing the pursuit of profit and capital.
Example: “The capitalistic nature of the industry often leads to competitive market practices.”

15. Pecuniary-Driven

Appropriate Use: Driven by financial gain or relating to money.
Example: “His decisions were clearly pecuniary-driven, focusing solely on financial outcomes.”

16. Fiscal-Centric

Appropriate Use: Centered or focused primarily on monetary aspects.
Example: “The fiscal-centric policy of the company prioritized revenue growth over customer satisfaction.”

17. Wealth-Hungry

Appropriate Use: Eager or desperate to accumulate wealth.
Example: “The wealth-hungry investor was known for his aggressive and ruthless tactics.”

18. Money-Focused

Appropriate Use: Concentrating predominantly on money or financial gain.
Example: “The money-focused approach of the firm led to a series of ethical compromises.”

19. Financially Ambitious

Appropriate Use: Having a strong desire for financial success or wealth.
Example: “Her financially ambitious goals led her to launch multiple successful startups.”

20. Dollar-Chasing

Appropriate Use: Actively and relentlessly pursuing money.
Example: “The dollar-chasing mentality in Wall Street often leads to high-risk behaviors.”

Linda Brown