What Is Another Way to Say “Lower Class”?

Looking for synonyms for lower class? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say lower class.

  • Working class
  • Underprivileged
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Lower-income
  • Less affluent
  • Proletariat
  • Impoverished
  • Low-income group
  • Less fortunate
  • Subaltern
  • Blue-collar
  • Modest background
  • Lower socioeconomic status
  • Disadvantaged
  • Lower stratum
  • Lower echelons
  • Lower tier
  • Underclass
  • Subordinate class
  • Struggling class

Want to learn how to say lower class professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Working Class

Use to refer to people employed in lower-tier jobs, often manual or industrial labor.
Example: “Our community program focuses on supporting the working class in urban areas.”

2. Underprivileged

Ideal for describing individuals or groups lacking in privileges, especially socioeconomically.
Example: “The charity aims to provide educational resources to underprivileged children.”

3. Economically Disadvantaged

Use to denote individuals or groups facing economic hardships.
Example: “This policy is designed to assist economically disadvantaged families in the region.”

4. Lower-Income

Appropriate for referencing people with lower earnings.
Example: “Lower-income neighborhoods often have limited access to healthcare facilities.”

5. Less Affluent

Use when comparing with wealthier or more prosperous groups.
Example: “Our affordable housing projects cater to the less affluent sectors of the city.”

6. Proletariat

Often used in Marxist contexts to describe the working class or laborers.
Example: “The movement aims to represent the interests of the proletariat.”

7. Impoverished

Suitable for describing extreme poverty or deprivation.
Example: “Impoverished communities are the most affected by the economic downturn.”

8. Low-Income Group

Use to categorize people based on their income being below a certain threshold.
Example: “The government subsidy is targeted towards the low-income group.”

9. Less Fortunate

A more empathetic term for those who are not as well-off.
Example: “Our company’s social responsibility initiative focuses on helping the less fortunate.”

10. Subaltern

A term often used in post-colonial theory to describe populations in subordinate positions.
Example: “The study explores the cultural expressions of subaltern groups.”

11. Blue-Collar

Refers to workers in manual labor or industrial jobs.
Example: “Blue-collar workers are the backbone of the manufacturing industry.”

12. Modest Background

Use to describe a humble or simple socioeconomic upbringing.
Example: “Many of our scholarship recipients come from a modest background.”

13. Lower Socioeconomic Status

A term used to describe people from a lower social and economic position.
Example: “Programs are being developed to support individuals with lower socioeconomic status.”

14. Disadvantaged

Suitable for those who lack certain advantages, often socioeconomically.
Example: “Disadvantaged communities require more support in terms of educational infrastructure.”

15. Lower Stratum

Refers to a lower social layer or class.
Example: “The lower stratum of society often faces numerous challenges in accessing basic services.”

16. Lower Echelons

Use to describe the lower levels of a hierarchical system.
Example: “Employees in the lower echelons of the company often feel overlooked in decision-making processes.”

17. Lower Tier

Appropriate for describing a lower level or rank in a structured system.
Example: “The lower tier of the corporate ladder tends to have fewer benefits and privileges.”

18. Underclass

A term often used to describe a segment of society disadvantaged through poverty.
Example: “Urban development plans must consider the needs of the underclass.”

19. Subordinate Class

Use to denote a class seen as lower in status or rank.
Example: “The study focuses on the cultural dynamics of the subordinate class in society.”

20. Struggling Class

Refers to a social group that faces challenges in maintaining a basic standard of living.
Example: “Our nonprofit focuses on providing job training to members of the struggling class.”

Linda Brown