What Is Another Way to Say “Made Up”?

Looking for synonyms for made up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say made up.

  • Fabricated
  • Invented
  • Fictitious
  • Concocted
  • Imaginary
  • False
  • Fictional
  • Devised
  • Created
  • Constructed
  • Formulated
  • Forged
  • Pretended
  • Simulated
  • Feigned
  • Counterfeit
  • Unreal
  • Artificial
  • Imagined
  • Apocryphal

Want to learn how to say made up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Fabricated

Used for something that is made up or falsified.
Example: “The report was dismissed as it contained fabricated data.”

2. Invented

Appropriate for ideas or stories that are created using imagination.
Example: “The concept presented in the meeting was a cleverly invented solution to the problem.”

3. Fictitious

Suitable for things that are not real, but are created in the imagination.
Example: “The training exercise included a scenario with fictitious characters.”

4. Concocted

Used for something that is made up, often implying a deceptive intention.
Example: “The employee concocted an excuse for missing the deadline.”

5. Imaginary

Ideal for describing something existing only in the imagination, not in reality.
Example: “The marketing team brainstormed an advertising campaign based on an imaginary world.”

6. False

Used for statements or information that are untrue or incorrect.
Example: “The allegations against the company were found to be false.”

7. Fictional

Appropriate for events or characters that are created for storytelling.
Example: “The case study used in the workshop was based on a fictional company.”

8. Devised

Suitable for plans or methods that are created or designed.
Example: “A new system was devised to streamline the workflow.”

9. Created

Used when something is brought into existence.
Example: “The project team created a prototype to test their design.”

10. Constructed

Ideal for something that is systematically put together.
Example: “The narrative of the presentation was carefully constructed for maximum impact.”

11. Formulated

Appropriate for carefully developing a plan or method.
Example: “The strategy was formulated after thorough market analysis.”

12. Forged

Used to indicate something that is created or formed, sometimes with effort.
Example: “A new partnership was forged between the two companies.”

13. Pretended

Suitable for an act or appearance that is made to seem real, but is not.
Example: “During the role-play exercise, participants pretended to be clients.”

14. Simulated

Used for creating a model or representation of something.
Example: “The training program included a simulated crisis management scenario.”

15. Feigned

Ideal for something that is faked or not genuine.
Example: “The manager feigned surprise at the news of the project’s success.”

16. Counterfeit

Appropriate for items that are made to look like exact copies, to deceive.
Example: “The investigation revealed a supply of counterfeit products.”

17. Unreal

Suitable for describing something that is imaginary or fantastical.
Example: “The unreal scenarios in the simulation tested the team’s problem-solving skills.”

18. Artificial

Used for something made or produced to imitate something natural.
Example: “The company used artificial intelligence to improve its customer service.”

19. Imagined

Ideal for something that exists only in the mind.
Example: “The risks discussed in the meeting were purely imagined scenarios.”

20. Apocryphal

Appropriate for stories or statements of dubious authenticity, although widely circulated as true.
Example: “The apocryphal tale about the company’s founding has been debunked.”

Linda Brown