What Is Another Way to Say “Let You Know”?

Looking for synonyms for let you know? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say let you know.

  • Inform you
  • Notify you
  • Advise you
  • Update you
  • Tell you
  • Brief you
  • Communicate to you
  • Report to you
  • Alert you
  • Keep you posted
  • Fill you in
  • Make you aware
  • Apprise you
  • Give you a heads up
  • Share with you

Want to learn how to say let you know professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Inform You

Used for providing information or knowledge.

  • Example: “I will inform you as soon as we receive the latest project updates.”

2. Notify You

Appropriate for formally or officially informing someone about something.

  • Example: “We will notify you when your application has been processed.”

3. Advise You

Ideal for offering guidance or recommendations.

  • Example: “I will advise you on the best course of action for the upcoming meeting.”

4. Update You

Used for giving the latest information or news.

  • Example: “I will update you on the client’s feedback by this afternoon.”

5. Tell You

Used for conveying information or facts.

  • Example: “I’ll tell you about the changes in the project scope during our meeting.”

6. Brief You

Appropriate for giving a set of instructions or essential information.

  • Example: “I will brief you on the current status of the project before you meet the client.”

7. Communicate to You

Ideal for conveying information or expressing thoughts and feelings.

  • Example: “I will communicate to you the team’s concerns about the deadline.”

8. Report to You

Used when providing a detailed account or statement.

  • Example: “I will report to you the findings of the market analysis.”

9. Alert You

Appropriate for warning or informing someone urgently.

  • Example: “I will alert you if there are any unforeseen risks that arise.”

10. Keep You Posted

Ideal for regularly providing the latest news or information.

  • Example: “I’ll keep you posted on the development of the new software update.”

11. Fill You In

Used for providing someone with details about something they missed or don’t know.

  • Example: “Let me fill you in on what was discussed in today’s strategic planning session.”

12. Make You Aware

Used to ensure someone is informed about something important.

  • Example: “I need to make you aware of the changes in compliance regulations.”

13. Apprise You

Appropriate for giving notice or information to someone.

  • Example: “I will apprise you of any changes to the project timeline.”

14. Give You a Heads Up

Ideal for providing advance notice or warning.

  • Example: “I just wanted to give you a heads up about the upcoming system maintenance.”

15. Share with You

Used for imparting information, news, or ideas.

  • Example: “I would like to share with you some insights from our recent customer survey.”

Linda Brown