What Is Another Way to Say “Hand in Hand”?

Looking for synonyms for hand in hand? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say hand in hand.

  • In conjunction
  • Together
  • In tandem
  • Side by side
  • In collaboration
  • In unison
  • Concurrently
  • In sync
  • In partnership
  • Coordinated
  • Simultaneously
  • In harmony
  • Jointly
  • As a team
  • Interconnectedly

Want to learn how to say hand in hand professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. In Conjunction

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where two or more elements are combined or used together.
Example: “The marketing and sales departments worked in conjunction to develop a comprehensive strategy.”

2. Together

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a broad range of contexts where collaboration or joint action is involved.
Example: “The team worked together to meet the project deadline.”

3. In Tandem

Appropriate Use: Best for describing actions or processes that occur simultaneously or in cooperation with each other.
Example: “Product development and customer feedback should work in tandem to ensure success.”

4. Side by Side

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for situations where two parties or elements are collaborating closely.
Example: “The designer and developer worked side by side to create the new app.”

5. In Collaboration

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations that involve working together towards a common goal, especially in creative or professional projects.
Example: “The research was conducted in collaboration with the university.”

6. In Unison

Appropriate Use: Suitable for scenarios where actions or decisions are made simultaneously by all involved parties.
Example: “The committee members voiced their approval in unison.”

7. Concurrently

Appropriate Use: Best for describing events or activities happening at the same time.
Example: “The company is expanding its operations concurrently in three different countries.”

8. In Sync

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for situations where elements or individuals are well-coordinated or matching in timing or rhythm.
Example: “The project team worked in sync to achieve a seamless workflow.”

9. In Partnership

Appropriate Use: Ideal for formal alliances or cooperative relationships, especially in business.
Example: “The firm is growing its client base in partnership with local businesses.”

10. Coordinated

Appropriate Use: Suitable for scenarios that require organized and harmonious action.
Example: “The event was a success thanks to the coordinated efforts of all departments.”

11. Simultaneously

Appropriate Use: Best for situations where two or more actions or processes occur at the same time.
Example: “The company is launching its new products simultaneously in multiple markets.”

12. In Harmony

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for situations where different elements or groups work together without conflict.
Example: “Different departments need to operate in harmony to optimize company performance.”

13. Jointly

Appropriate Use: Ideal for activities or decisions made together by two or more parties.
Example: “The new policy was developed jointly by the HR and legal teams.”

14. As a Team

Appropriate Use: Suitable for emphasizing the collective effort and unity of a group.
Example: “Success in this project requires working as a team.”

15. Interconnectedly

Appropriate Use: Best for describing situations where various components or individuals are linked and affect each other.
Example: “The different software systems were designed to operate interconnectedly for greater efficiency.”

Linda Brown