What Is Another Way to Say “Get Out”?

Looking for synonyms for get out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say get out.

  • Exit
  • Depart
  • Leave
  • Withdraw
  • Evacuate
  • Emerge
  • Escape
  • Vacate
  • Flee
  • Disembark
  • Egress
  • Abscond
  • Decamp
  • Retreat
  • Bolt
  • Vamoose
  • Skedaddle
  • Scurry away
  • Beat a retreat
  • Make an exit

Want to learn how to say get out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Exit

Appropriate Use: Suitable for leaving a place in a conventional or formal manner.
Example: “After the meeting, she made a quick exit to catch her flight.”

2. Depart

Appropriate Use: Ideal for leaving, especially when starting a journey or leaving a place.
Example: “He will depart from the office early today for a business trip.”

3. Leave

Appropriate Use: Suitable for going away from a place.
Example: “Please ensure all devices are switched off when you leave the office.”

4. Withdraw

Appropriate Use: Used when moving back or away from a place or situation, often for strategic reasons.
Example: “The company decided to withdraw from the trade show due to budget constraints.”

5. Evacuate

Appropriate Use: Ideal for leaving a place urgently, often for safety reasons.
Example: “The building was evacuated immediately after the fire alarm sounded.”

6. Emerge

Appropriate Use: Suitable for coming out from a place where you have been hidden.
Example: “After hours of negotiation, the CEO emerged from the boardroom with a decision.”

7. Escape

Appropriate Use: Used for getting free from confinement or a dangerous situation.
Example: “They managed to escape the confines of their cubicles for a team-building retreat.”

8. Vacate

Appropriate Use: Ideal for leaving a place, especially to allow someone else to use it.
Example: “Please vacate the conference room after your meeting so the next group can use it.”

9. Flee

Appropriate Use: Suitable for leaving a place quickly to escape danger or prosecution.
Example: “The employees had to flee the building during the unexpected drill.”

10. Disembark

Appropriate Use: Used for leaving a vehicle, especially a ship or aircraft.
Example: “The delegates will disembark the plane shortly before the international summit.”

11. Egress

Appropriate Use: A formal or technical term for the act of going out or leaving.
Example: “Emergency egress routes are clearly marked throughout the facility.”

12. Abscond

Appropriate Use: Ideal for leaving hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or arrest.
Example: “The suspect absconded from the office before the audit began.”

13. Decamp

Appropriate Use: Suitable for suddenly or secretly leaving, especially to relocate one’s business or household.
Example: “The startup decamped to a larger office space to accommodate its growing team.”

14. Retreat

Appropriate Use: Used when withdrawing from a situation or place, often in a military context.
Example: “After a productive day, the team retreated from the workshop to reflect on their learning.”

15. Bolt

Appropriate Use: Suitable for leaving suddenly, usually without warning.
Example: “He bolted from the meeting room as soon as the session was over.”

16. Vamoose

Appropriate Use: A colloquial or informal term for leaving quickly.
Example: “Let’s vamoose as soon as the seminar ends.”

17. Skedaddle

Appropriate Use: Ideal for departing quickly or hurriedly; scram.
Example: “Once the conference ended, everyone skedaddled to catch their respective flights.”

18. Scurry away

Appropriate Use: Suitable for leaving quickly with small, hurried steps.
Example: “The interns scurried away from the training room to their workstations.”

19. Beat a Retreat

Appropriate Use: Used when withdrawing from a place or situation, especially in a quick or defeated manner.
Example: “The team had to beat a retreat from the outdoor event due to the sudden rain.”

20. Make an Exit

Appropriate Use: Ideal for leaving, especially in a noticeable or planned way.
Example: “After concluding his speech, the CEO made a dignified exit from the stage.”

Linda Brown