What Is Another Way to Say “Black Hole”?

Looking for synonyms for black hole? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say black hole.

  • Gravity well
  • Singularity
  • Dark star
  • Event horizon
  • Stellar collapse
  • Space-time anomaly
  • Dark void
  • Gravitational vortex
  • Astronomical sinkhole
  • Cosmic abyss

Want to learn how to say black hole professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Gravity Well

Appropriate Use: When discussing the gravitational pull of a black hole in a scientific context.
Example: “The research focuses on the effects of the gravity well on surrounding celestial bodies.”

2. Singularity

Appropriate Use: In astrophysical discussions highlighting the core of a black hole where density becomes infinite.
Example: “The singularity at the center of the black hole remains one of the greatest mysteries in astrophysics.”

3. Dark Star

Appropriate Use: In historical or theoretical contexts referring to early concepts of black holes.
Example: “John Michell theorized the existence of ‘dark stars’ with gravitational fields strong enough to prevent light from escaping.”

4. Event Horizon

Appropriate Use: When describing the boundary around a black hole from which nothing can escape.
Example: “The spacecraft’s instruments detected significant radiation emissions near the event horizon of the black hole.”

5. Stellar Collapse

Appropriate Use: Specifically when discussing the formation of black holes from collapsing stars.
Example: “A supernova can result in a stellar collapse, leading to the birth of a black hole.”

6. Space-Time Anomaly

Appropriate Use: In discussions about the unique effects of black holes on the fabric of space and time.
Example: “This space-time anomaly is disrupting the trajectory of light and matter around it.”

7. Dark Void

Appropriate Use: In a more poetic or descriptive context, often in popular science writing.
Example: “The telescope peered into the dark void, seeking the hidden mysteries of the black hole.”

8. Gravitational Vortex

Appropriate Use: When emphasizing the black hole’s powerful gravitational effects in a dynamic sense.
Example: “The gravitational vortex is drawing in matter from the nearby star at an alarming rate.”

9. Astronomical Sinkhole

Appropriate Use: For educational or explanatory purposes, likening a black hole to a familiar concept.
Example: “Just like a sinkhole on Earth, this astronomical sinkhole engulfs everything in its vicinity.”

10. Cosmic Abyss

Appropriate Use: In literary or artistic expressions to evoke the vast, unknown nature of black holes.
Example: “Gazing into the cosmic abyss, the astronomer pondered the secrets it could hold.”

Linda Brown