What Is Another Way to Say “This Is Because”?

Are you tired of repeating this is because in an essay?

It’s no secret that it’s a repetitive phrase, and it’s time for you to explore your options.

Thankfully, that’s where we come in.

This article will teach you other words for this is because. We will help you to spice up your essays and ensure you always capture your readers’ attention.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “This Is Because”

You should also review these 7 alternatives to learn how to say this is because formally:

  • This results from
  • The reason for this is
  • One factor contributing to this is
  • This can be attributed to
  • The cause behind this is
  • This is a consequence of
  • This is due to

1. This Results From

The first synonym we want to go over is this results from. This is a great way to spice up your essays when you’d like to talk about how one thing causes another.

Generally, it’s a good formal synonym that explains something to the reader.

Your reader will understand more about what you’re writing about when you make it clear and direct with a phrase like this.

If you’re still unsure, you can check out these examples:

We can establish the findings from that. This results from being able to look at the variables listed.

I find it difficult to understand the outcome. This results from not being clear enough with the parameters set initially.

2. The Reason for This Is

You can use the reason for this is as another word for this is because in an essay.

It’s formal and to the point. So, it’s a great way to keep your readers in the loop and let them know what you expect to get out of an essay.

Generally, this is a great way to engage the reader. However, you should be careful because it’s a little wordier than this is because.

Perhaps these essay samples will also help you to understand it:

We can control three of the factors. The reason for this is because they are more open to manipulation.

The company’s stock crashed quickly. The reason for this is they made some poor business decisions.

3. One Factor Contributing to This Is

Try using one factor contributing to this is instead of this is because.

The one thing you have to remember is that you can only talk about one reason for something happening. Using one factor shows that only one thing is important enough to note.

However, this is a great way to engage your reader. It keeps things simple and direct, which should help to make your essay more streamlined and easier to navigate.

Most readers will appreciate this synonym over this is because, which is why we recommend it.

You can also check out these examples:

It’s clear why things went wrong for them. One factor contributing to this is that people didn’t know how to act accordingly.

I didn’t know what else to do to change the results. One factor contributing to this is a lack of understanding.

4. This Can Be Attributed To

Next, you can use this can be attributed to as another way to say this is because.

It’s a professional synonym that shows how something connects to the following piece of information.

Generally, this is a great phrase to include in your writing.

It’s clear and distinct, which will help your reader to understand why you’ve mentioned something.

You certainly can’t go wrong with using this when trying to spice up your essays.

Feel free to review these examples if you’re still unsure how it works:

We can follow the change in marketing targets. This can be attributed to the company’s desire to stay on top of things.

It’s clear why they decided to do this. This can be attributed to the choices made by the business early on.

5. The Cause Behind This Is

Feel free to use the cause behind this is as a formal synonym for this is because. It works really well in your essays, which is why it’s a useful one to sub in from time to time.

Generally, this works wonders when you can directly correlate something to a cause.

It lets people know that you’ve thought through your options and have found a reason for something to occur. For instance, you might be able to explain why a project was incomplete.

Also, you can review these examples to find out more:

The trajectory was quite negative. The cause behind this is related to people not understanding what was required.

I could not continue the project. The cause behind this is there not being enough resources to conclude anything.

6. This Is a Consequence Of

You will also benefit from writing this is a consequence of instead of this is because.

It’s highly effective in professional situations. However, you should be careful because it’s a bit wordy and can take away from the impact of your essay if you use it too much.

Use it once to ensure you don’t oversaturate your essay with wordy phrases. That way, you can guarantee that you retain your reader’s attention when you want it.

Here are some great examples to show you more about how it works:

It had to happen that way. This is a consequence of the choices made by the company at the time.

It’s clear that this is the only acceptable variable. This is a consequence of other results compounding over time.

7. This Is Due To

Finally, you can use this is due to instead of this is because.

This is a great one to use in formal writing. It keeps things direct and informative when letting the reader know why one thing led to another.

Generally, this is a better way to say this is because, but you should only use it once. Again, it can be quite repetitive if you’re not careful!

You can also refer to these essay samples to learn more:

It’s clear why they chose to do it this way. This is due to them wanting to find the most efficient way to continue.

We shouldn’t have looked into the options. This is due to finding something that wasn’t beneficial to any of us.

Is It Correct to Say “This Is Because”?

This is because is correct to use in essays, but you should only use it once.

It’s a repetitive phrase that a lot of people rely too heavily on.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with it, but you should stick to using it just once (if at all) to ensure you don’t bore your readers.

You can refer to the following essay samples to learn more about how it works:

We cannot continue working on this project. This is because there are too many variables complicating things.

I’m afraid this is the outcome I went with. This is because it’s the one that made the most sense.

George O'Connor