What Is Another Way to Say “Please Be Advised”?

You want to issue advice or guidance to the recipient of your email but is the phrase please be advised the best way to do this?

In this article, we’ll show you what to say instead of please be advised when this phrase starts to feel worn out.

Moreover, we’ll show you how to say please be advised politely in a work email.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “Please Be Advised”

Below, you’ll find 7 examples of how to say please be advised in an email:

  • Kindly note
  • It should be noted
  • For your information
  • Please keep in mind
  • Just so you know
  • Please be mindful
  • Kindly take heed

1. Kindly Note

Kindly note is a great synonym for please be advised if you want to maintain a formal and polite tone in your email.

You can use this phrase in an email to a client, especially if you work in a particularly formal industry.

This phrase will let the recipient know that they should take heed of the information you are sharing.

However, the addition of “kindly” keeps this phrase very courteous.

Have a look at the email sample below:

Dear Miss Bassett,

Kindly note that your membership will need to be renewed at the end of August.

Kind regards,
Tamara Noel

2. It Should Be Noted

You can use the phrase it should be noted in an informative email to your office or department.

Essentially, this phrase implies that each recipient should note down the content of the email or simply keep the information you are sharing in mind.

As this phrase comes across as rather instructive, it is most appropriate if the information you are sharing is important.

Moreover, you should only use it if you are a senior member of your team or if you are sending your email exclusively to people of equal rank to you in your work hierarchy.

When speaking to a client or superior, it’s best to use a more outwardly polite alternative.

Consider the example below:

Dear Team,

It should be noted that the Denver office will be closed next week.

Therefore, any correspondence should be sent to the relevant team member directly, as you will not be able to reach them via the office phone system.


3. For Your Information

For your information is a slightly more business-casual phrase that you can use in an email to a coworker.

This phrase implies that the information you are sharing isn’t serious or pertinent.

However, you still think your coworker would be interested or may find the information helpful.

This phrase can be shortened to the acronym FYI, but writing the entire phrase out will come across as a touch more polite.

In short, this is a safe option regardless of how well you know the receiving colleague.

Therefore, let’s see it in a sample email:

Dear Ashely,

I’ve attached a few comments on the memo for your information.

Kind regards,

4. Please Keep In Mind

Please keep in mind is another polite way to say please be advised, especially when you want to stress that the information you are sharing in your email should be noted by the reader.

You can use this phrase in an email to a client when you are sharing important information about your services or products.

After all, it’s important to provide clear information to your customers so that there are no misunderstandings or disappointments!

Check out the following email example:

Dear Miss Bellisario,

Our rooms will be available on the dates specified below.

Please keep in mind our recent price increase per booking.

Kind regards,
Keegan Moore

5. Just So You Know

You can say just so you know in a casual email to a colleague you are close to.

This phrase implies that you are sharing something that isn’t particularly important or necessary. However, it may be useful for your coworker to know about it anyway.

For instance:

Hi Rebecca,

Just so you know, I’ve left a copy of the report on your desk.


6. Please Be Mindful

You can use the phrase please be mindful when you are asking someone to be aware of something at work or to exercise caution.

This phrase is polite but still comes across as rather instructive.

Therefore, it’s best suited for an email to a junior team member or a trainee who still requires thorough communication and guidance.

To see what we mean, have a look at this email sample:

Dear Shay,

I have made some comments on your draft below.

Please be mindful of the language you use when addressing the needs of our lower-income clientele.

Kind regards,

7. Kindly Take Heed

Another way to say please be advised in a polite email to a client or customer is kindly take heed.

This phrase is a direct synonym for the original phrase, and both have a similarly formal and courteous tone.

Thus, you can generally use please be advised and kindly take heed interchangeably.

In short, kindly take heed is another good way to bring something to the attention of the recipient.

Check out our final email example to see this phrase in action:

Dear Jessica,

Your order will arrive tomorrow at the address you specified.

Kindly take heed of the instruction booklet before using this product.

Brant Daugherty

Is It Correct to Say “Please Be Advised”?

It’s perfectly correct to say please be advised in an informative email to your company at large or to a specific person.

You can use this phrase to provide pertinent information or to issue a warning to the receiver.

Please be advised is a very polite phrase, and its level of formality makes it suitable for any professional setting, regardless of the size or nature of your workplace.

Below, we’ve drafted two email examples illustrating how you can use this phrase in practice:

First, we’ll look at a general announcement email going out to multiple recipients or the office at large:

Dear All,

Please be advised that the Denver office will close during the week of the 17th of July.

Skye Thede

Next, let’s see an email to a single recipient using please be advised:

Dear Mr. Alonso,

I would be happy to edit this for you, but please be advised that my fees have increased as of the new year.

Kind regards,
Robin Mosely

Finally, let’s look at a common grammar mistake people make when employing this phrase so that we can avoid it in the future:

Mistake: Advised vs adviced

  • Incorrect: Please be adviced.
  • Correct: Please be advised.

The word advise is a verb and refers to the action of giving guidance or counsel. Advice, on the other hand, is a noun and refers to the guidance or opinion given itself.

Therefore, a person cannot be adviced.

So, we know that the phrase please be advised is polite and grammatically correct. However, this phrase is fairly standardized and may start to feel worn out if you use it too frequently.

Therefore, you can use our list of synonyms to avoid repetition in your work emails and zest up your phrasing.

Kahlan House