You want to let a client, a customer, or an employee know that they can come to you with questions or concerns.
But is it correct to say please don’t hesitate to contact me in a work email?
We’ll discuss the appropriateness of this phrase below.
Furthermore, we’ll show you how to end an email politely and professionally using 9 different phrases.
9 Alternative Ways to Say “Please Don’t Hesitate to Contact Me”
Below, we’ve provided 9 examples of how to say please don’t hesitate to contact me professionally:
- Please feel free to reach out
- I would be happy to answer any questions
- Please let me know if I can be of further assistance
- You can reach me at this email address
- Feel free to get in touch with me
- You can call me
- You can contact me
- You’re welcome to call me
- Drop me a line if I can do anything else for you
1. Please Feel Free to Reach Out
You can use the phrase please feel free to reach out to encourage a client or customer to come to you with questions or requests as needed.
This phrase is highly polite and forthcoming. Therefore, it should make the client feel comfortable approaching you with questions in the future, which is ideal!
See how we’ve used this phrase in an email sample:
Dear Miss Harrison,
I have attached a brochure with a comprehensive list of our services and fees below.
Please feel free to reach out if you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Kathy Ralston
2. I Would Be Happy to Answer Any Questions
I would be happy to answer any questions shows your positive and cheerful attitude when assisting your customers.
Therefore, this is a great phrase to use if you run a small business or simply like to maintain a friendly and approachable tone in your emails to clients.
Let’s see an email example that includes this phrase:
Dear Jade,
Thank you for your email.
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about my fees and operating hours.
Kind regards,
Reagan Shafran
3. Feel Free to Get in Touch With Me
Another way to say please don’t hesitate to contact me is feel free to get in touch with me.
This phrase comes across as a tad more friendly than the original.
However, you can use it in a professional email to a colleague or a fellow professional from a different organization.
Essentially, it lets the receiver know that you are open to being contacted and will hopefully create a strong line of communication between you.
Check out the example below to see this phrase in action:
Dear Theodore,
I have provided the client’s details below.
Feel free to get in touch with me if there’s anything else I can assist you with.
Alex Garcia
4. Please Let Me Know if I Can Be of Further Assistance
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance is a polite and formal alternative that you can use in an email to a client.
In particular, you can use this phrase if you have assisted a client with a complaint or query. This phrase lets them know that you are happy for them to approach you in the future or if they need anything further presently.
Have a look at the following example:
Dear Miss Tollman,
I have provided a detailed explanation of our data privacy policy below.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Kind regards,
Rhian Hetty
5. You Can Reach Me at This Email Address
Perhaps you’ve been networking recently and met a fellow professional with whom you would like to form a business relationship.
You can reach me at this email address is a great way to open the lines of communication between you and this other person.
After all, if they know how to reach you, they are more likely to approach you with potential ideas for collaboration.
Consider the example below:
Dear Jasper,
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, and I would love to keep in contact!
You can reach me at this email address if you’re ever interested in collaborating.
All the best,
6. You Can Call Me
You can call me is a franker and more direct alternative to please don’t hesitate to contact me that you can use when speaking to a trainee or new recruit at the office.
If you are mentoring a junior member of your team, it is best to be as clear and comprehensible as possible in your instructions.
Moreover, it helps to keep your emails tonally neutral to maintain strong boundaries with a younger member of your team.
Therefore, you can simply say you can call me to let the receiver know that you are open to being contacted as needed.
For instance:
Dear Evan,
I will be out of the office this afternoon, but you can call me if you need anything urgently.
All the best,
7. You Can Contact Me
If you run a small business or work as a freelancer, you are probably responsible for your own marketing and for maintaining communication with your long-term clients.
Therefore, you can use the phrase you can contact me in your promotional or announcement emails going out to your customers.
To see what we mean, check out the email sample below:
Dear Micha,
I am currently running a new promotion on every commission.
For further information, you can contact me at this email address or using the number below.
Best wishes,
8. You’re Welcome to Call Me
If you work at a medium-sized business and are in charge of assisting clients or customers with their questions or complaints, you can use the friendly and approachable phrase you’re welcome to call me.
This phrase will make clients feel comfortable reaching out to you personally if they are struggling with anything.
This, in turn, will hopefully build confidence in your business as a whole.
After all, the use of “welcome” creates connotations of a very cordial and helpful work environment, which is always attractive to customers.
See the email example below:
Dear David,
Please see our brochure attached below.
You’re welcome to call me if you have any inquiries about our products.
Kind regards,
Dawn Slowe
9. Drop Me a Line if I Can Do Anything Else for You
The phrase drop me a line if I can do anything else for you is a business casual alternative to please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Therefore, it works well if you are speaking to someone equal to you, such as a colleague or a fellow professional from a different company.
This phrase comes across as too conversational for an email to a new client. However, it has a suitably professional tone for when you are corresponding with another businessperson.
Therefore, let’s see this phrase in our final sample email:
Dear Kathryn,
I’ve provided the details you requested below.
Drop me a line if I can do anything else for you.
Is It Correct to Say “Please Don’t Hesitate to Contact Me”?
It is perfectly correct to close off an email with the phrase please don’t hesitate to contact me.
You can use this phrase to let the other person know that you are happy for them to reach out with any questions or concerns.
This phrase is very polite and shows that you have a helpful nature. This is a good quality, whatever the industry you work in.
Therefore, let’s see two email examples illustrating how you can use this phrase in practice:
Dear Mr. Ferreira,
I have provided the information you requested below.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Terry Graye
When you’re instructing your employees or junior members of your team, it is appropriate to drop the please and simply say don’t hesitate to contact me. For example:
Dear Liza,
I have assigned you a task that you can access using the link below.
Don’t hesitate to contact me should you need any clarification.
Next, to avoid any embarrassing grammar mistakes in the future, let’s look at a common error people make when they use the phrase please don’t hesitate to contact me:
Mistake: Saying myself instead of me
- Incorrect: Please don’t hesitate to contact myself.
- Correct: Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Reflexive pronouns like “myself” should only be used if the subject and object of the sentence are the same. For example, “I did it myself.”
Therefore, please don’t hesitate to contact me is the only correct version of this phrase.
Although please don’t hesitate to contact me is correct and suitable for a professional email, this phrase is rather standardized.
Therefore, you can use one or more of the synonyms from our list to mix up your language and keep your work emails free of repetition.