What Is Another Way to Say “Correct Me if I’m Wrong”?

Life is full of uncertainties, so if you aren’t quite sure whether you have your facts right, it’s best to express this clearly. But is the phrase correct me if I’m wrong suitable to include in a work email?

In this article, let’s look at 9 alternative phrases that express a similar sentiment. In addition, we’ll explore how to write correct me if I’m wrong in an email.

9 Alternative Ways to Say “Correct Me if I’m Wrong”

If you’re looking for a better way to say correct me if I’m wrong, you can try one of the alternatives below:

  • If I’m not mistaken
  • Don’t quote me on this
  • It is my understanding
  • As far as I know
  • Please correct me if I’ve misstated anything
  • Unless I’ve misunderstood
  • Let me know if I’m mistaken
  • I may be misinformed, but
  • I’m not entirely sure, but

1. If I’m Not Mistaken

The phrase if I’m not mistaken is a polite way to say correct me if I’m wrong in an email to a colleague that you aren’t particularly close with.

You could use this phrase if a coworker has asked you a work-related question and you want to provide a tentative response. This phrase may show that you aren’t entirely confident in your answer, which isn’t ideal if the question is important.

However, this phrase is a good way to express what you think is the right answer while making it clear that you aren’t entirely certain.

See the email sample below:

Dear Jake,

If I’m not mistaken, we will be addressing that in the presentation itself, so you don’t need to mention it in your email.


2. Don’t Quote Me on This

When someone says don’t quote me on this, they essentially mean that they aren’t sure of the accuracy of their statement, so the listener shouldn’t believe it blindly.

This phrase is rather informal, so we wouldn’t recommend using it in an email to a client or a superior.

However, if you have a friendly dynamic with your coworkers, you can get away with using more casual phrases like this one in your email exchanges.

Have a look at the following email example:

Hi Linn,

Don’t quote me on this, but I think you can reach them directly using this email address.

Let me know if that works.


3. It Is My Understanding

If a client has asked you a question, and it is difficult to provide a clear and precise answer, you can simply provide your professional understanding of the situation using the phrase it is my understanding.

This phrase is suitably formal for a business email to a client. Moreover, it implies that you are answering their question to the best of your abilities, even though you may not be able to provide certainty.

To see this phrase in action, check out the sample email below:

Dear Miss Morton,

It is my understanding that your account will be automatically reinstated once you change your details.

If this does not occur, please contact me so that I can investigate further.

Kind regards,
Edith Browne

4. As Far as I Know

As far as I know is a casual way to suggest that you are providing as good an answer as you can based on the knowledge you have presently. However, your knowledge may be limited or incorrect.

This phrase is too informal for an email to a client, but you can use it in response to a question from a colleague, regardless of the nature of your relationship.

For example:

Hi Caleb,

As far as I know, the client’s previous representatives went bankrupt.

You may have difficulty getting any files or notes from them.


5. Please Correct Me if I’ve Misstated Anything

A good example of how to say correct me if I’m wrong professionally is please correct me if I’ve misstated anything.

It can be quite stressful when you’re emailing your employer, as there’s a lot of pressure to say the right thing. Thus, this is a good formal way to let your boss know that a statement you’ve made is open to correction.

This phrase is polite and respectful, making it ideal for when you are speaking to someone higher up in the work hierarchy.

To see this phrase in action, have a look at the email example below:

Dear Mrs. Bowen,

I believe you asked for Mr. Kim to be referred to the finance department for consultation and his wife to Mr. Kenny for a letter of advice.

Please correct me if I’ve misstated anything.

Violet McMichael

6. Unless I’ve Misunderstood

You can say unless I’ve misunderstood in a casual email to your coworker when they have asked you a question that you are fairly sure you know the answer to.

This statement implies that you are giving the best answer possible based on your current understanding of a situation. However, it’s always possible that you may have misunderstood the situation altogether.

Have a look at the following email sample:

Hi Joel,

Unless I’ve misunderstood, the report should be delivered alongside the invoice.


7. Let Me Know if I’m Mistaken

You can use the phrase let me know if I’m mistaken when speaking to a client. This is a good way to check your understanding of their situation and open a dialogue between you.

Let me know if I’m mistaken is a fairly tonally neutral phrase that is neither particularly formal nor informal. Therefore, it is suitable to use in an email to a long-term client with whom you have developed a somewhat friendly rapport.

For instance:

Dear Ms. Sharpe,

Let me know if I’m mistaken, but your file indicates that your husband may have access to this account as well. Is that the case?

Lucinda Blessed

8. I May Be Misinformed, But

The phrase I may be misinformed, but has a slightly formal tone, so you can use it when you are responding to a colleague that you don’t know very well.

When emailing a client or your employer, it’s best not to be misinformed in general.

However, if you are speaking to an equal, there is more room for error on your end. After all, they will usually be asking you things in a more casual capacity. Thus, it suffices to answer to the best of your abilities.

See the example below:

Dear Asha,

I may be misinformed, but I believe that legislation no longer applies due to the introduction of the newer Companies Act in 2018.

Would you like me to do some research on the matter?

Kind regards,

9. I’m Not Entirely Sure, But

I’m not entirely sure, but is a slightly less formal synonym for the phrase above. Therefore, you can use it when speaking to a colleague with whom you have a friendly dynamic in the office.

When speaking to an equal that to are close to, you can use more plain phrasing when you express your doubt. This is fine to do if the question isn’t serious in nature.

To see what we mean, have a look at our final email example:

Hi Keisha,

I’m not entirely sure, but I think the software will automatically supply the VAT amount when you upload the client’s bank statements.

Could you let me know if you have any trouble?


Is It Correct to Say “Correct Me if I’m Wrong”?

It is correct to say correct me if I’m wrong when you are stating something that you believe to be true, but you aren’t entirely certain and are open to being corrected. You can also use it when you want to check if you have remembered something correctly.

This phrase is very tonally neutral, so it is suitable to use in a professional setting, whatever the size or nature of your company.

Therefore, let’s see two sample emails making use of this phrase:

First, we’ll look at a more casual email to a colleague:

Hi Mbali,

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the meeting was set to take place on Thursday afternoon.


Next, we’ll look at a more polite way to write this phrase in a formal email to a superior. Note how you can extend “I’m” into “I am” when you want to sound more formal:

Dear Ms. Collosal,

Please correct me if I am wrong, but your file indicates that you have already sought a mortgage for this property. Is it possible you have provided an incorrect address?

Yours sincerely,
Peter Tumble

Although correct me if I’m wrong is a correct phrase commonly used to make a tentative statement at work or otherwise, this phrase may become a bit standardized if used too frequently.

Thus, to mix up your language, you can use one of the alternative phrases from our list from time to time.

Kahlan House