What Is Another Way to Say “Let Me Know Your Thoughts”?

You constantly want to improve your work and keep it up to the expected standards. The best way to do this is to get feedback from your employer and fellows at work. So, how should you go about asking for advice? Is let me know your thoughts the right phrase to use?

In this article, we’ll provide 10 alternative phrases that you can use to keep your emails diverse. Moreover, we’ll consider the correctness of let me know your thoughts in a professional setting.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “Let Me Know Your Thoughts”

Check out these 10 ways to ask for feedback at your workplace:

  • Please share your thoughts
  • I would appreciate some feedback
  • Let me know what you think
  • I would be keen to hear any thoughts you might have
  • Do you have any suggestions?
  • We’d love to hear your thoughts
  • What do you think?
  • Do you have any thoughts?
  • I’d be keen to hear your opinion
  • Any thoughts?

1. Please Share Your Thoughts

When you’re trying to get feedback from a colleague at work, you can use the phrase, please share your thoughts to encourage a candid and meaningful response.

This phrase is very polite, so you can use it with someone in your office that you aren’t particularly close with yet. Moreover, the insertion of “please” will show the receiver that you really value their opinion. In other words, it shows your sincerity.

Let’s see this phrase in an example email:

Dear Rory,

Could you please share your thoughts on the above?

Kind regards,

2. I Would Appreciate Some Feedback

You can use the phrase I would appreciate some feedback in an email to your superior at work, be it your boss, your supervisor, or a colleague who is higher up in the work hierarchy.

The inclusion of “appreciate” makes this phrase suitably polite. However, it also manages to be very straightforward in expressing that you’d like some notes on your work. This is ideal in a fast-paced work environment where there’s no time to beat around the bush!

Check out the following example:

Dear Hettie,

I would appreciate some feedback on this letter before it goes out to the client.

Would you say it adequately addresses all of the concerns they raised?

Kind regards,

3. Let Me Know What You Think

Another way to say let me know your thoughts is let me know what you think. It would be suitable to use this phrase with a colleague if you want their opinion on your work.

You can also use it when speaking to a superior, although you might choose to precede it with “please” just to keep things especially polite.

See the sample email below:

Dear Mr. Kirkwood,

I have reached out to the company’s representatives, and their response is attached below.

Please let me know what you think on this matter.

Kind regards,
Aurora Gabriel

4. I Would Be Keen to Hear Any Thoughts You Might Have

This phrase is a little bit wordy, but it comes across as very friendly and enthusiastic.

Therefore, when you’re reaching out to a colleague for suggestions, you can say I would be keen to hear any thoughts you might have.

Although very friendly, this phrase still doesn’t come across as casual per se. Therefore, you can use it when speaking to a colleague you aren’t very close with to let them know that you value their opinion.

This phrase may strengthen your relationship and ingratiate you with your colleague.

Therefore, let’s see this phrase in an example:

Dear Jamie,

I understand that you are quite a comic book enthusiast.

With that in mind, I would be keen to hear any thoughts you might have on this illustration I am working on for a client. It’s meant to be comic-like.

Thank you,

5. Do You Have Any Suggestions?

Do you have any suggestions is a better way to say let me know your thoughts since it is phrased as a question.

This makes it sound a tad less demanding than the original phrase. Therefore, it’s a safe option to choose when you are asking for advice from your boss or supervisor. It shows that you value their opinion but respect their boundaries if they have no feedback to give.

Let’s see an email example making use of this phrase:

Dear Maria,

I have been working on a proposal for the client this morning, and I am unsure how to address their questions regarding their trust fund.

Do you have any suggestions?


6. We’d Love to Hear Your Thoughts

We’d love to hear from you is a friendly and enthusiastic phrase that you can use in a customer feedback email.

For instance, if a customer has recently come to your business and been assisted by one of your employees, you may send a follow-up email asking them to share their experience.

This is a great way to improve customer satisfaction. Namely, it will give you some insight into the areas where your business structure or employee training could improve.

Check the email sample below to see what we mean:

Hello Barbara,

Thank you for visiting our branch this morning.

We’re always keen to improve and we’d love to hear your thoughts on our customer service. Please rate us using the link below.

All the best,
Prue Parsley

7. What Do You Think?

A more to-the-point way to say let me know your thoughts is to simply ask what do you think?

You can use this phrase in an email to a coworker, especially if you have a close relationship and a friendly or casual dynamic in the office.

After all, it’s not always necessary to be so formal with your peers. In fact, a more straightforward option might be preferred in a busy office setting.

Therefore, let’s see an email example that includes this phrase:

Hi Gamila,

I have been readjusting the logo design and I tried a different color scheme for this one.

What do you think?


8. Do You Have Any Thoughts?

If you want to ask for feedback without being too demanding, you can go with do you have any thoughts?

This is a more tentative option that you can use in a business email to a superior or a colleague that you aren’t particularly close to. Rather than asking for feedback, it asks whether they have any feedback to give.

Have a look at how we’ve used this phrase in an email sample:

Dear Zita,

I am looking into a new editing software for the office. It’s pricier but a bit more advanced than what we currently use.

Do you have any thoughts on this?


9. I’d Be Keen to Hear Your Opinion

I’d be keen to hear your opinion is a more casual way to ask for feedback from a coworker. Therefore, you can use it if you have a friendly dynamic in your office.

Although this alternative is informal, it’s quite friendly and warm. Moreover, it shows that you value your coworkers’ thoughts on the matter.

Consider the example below:

Hi Clark,

I’d be keen to hear your opinion on this issue with the Jones case.

Would we need to join his partner even if otherwise stated in the pleadings?

My best,

10. Any Thoughts?

When things get busy, you and your colleagues may be in too great a rush to keep up with email etiquette.

Therefore, when you need to jot out an email quickly to ask for advice, you can simply ask any thoughts? Your colleague will likely realize that you’re asking for their opinion.

As this phrase is a tad abrupt, you shouldn’t use it with a superior or a client. Nonetheless, if you and your colleagues keep things casual, it’s a great way to save time.

Hi Mark,

I’ve attached Mr. Zara’s file below. Any thoughts?


Is It Correct to Say “Let Me Know Your Thoughts”?

The phrase let me know your thoughts is perfectly correct and suitable to use in a variety of formal and professional settings.

Moreover, it is a standard phrase to use when you’re asking for feedback, regardless of the nature of your business or organization. Therefore, you can include it in email correspondence to clients, colleagues, or superiors.

Below, we’ve drafted two email examples to illustrate how to use this phrase:

Dear Ashton,

I have attached a draft of my report below.

Let me know your thoughts on the conclusions I’ve drawn.


To add a splash of politeness to your email, it never hurts to add “please” before this phrase:

Dear Ms. Reddy,

I have designed a potential itinerary for the conference.

Please let me know your thoughts on this, and I will make any necessary adjustments.

Kind Regards,
Jolene Reinhart

Although let me know your thoughts is a correct and professional phrase, it can come across as rather standardized. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to diversify your emails with some of our alternative phrases from time to time.

Kahlan House