What Is Another Way to Say “Used To”?

Looking for synonyms for used to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say used to.

  • Accustomed to
  • Familiar with
  • Habituated to
  • Acclimated to
  • Adapted to
  • Adept at
  • Versed in
  • Experienced in
  • Proficient in
  • Skilled at
  • Inured to
  • Seasoned in
  • Trained in
  • Comfortable with
  • Conversant with

Want to learn how to say used to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Accustomed to

Appropriate Use: When someone is familiar with a situation or activity through repeated experience.
Example: “He is accustomed to high-pressure situations due to his years in emergency management.”

2. Familiar with

Appropriate Use: When someone has a good knowledge of something through experience or study.
Example: “She is very familiar with the company’s accounting system.”

3. Habituated to

Appropriate Use: When someone has become used to a situation or activity over time.
Example: “The team is habituated to working in a fast-paced environment.”

4. Acclimated to

Appropriate Use: When someone has become adjusted to a new environment or set of conditions.
Example: “After several months, he has acclimated to the organizational culture.”

5. Adapted to

Appropriate Use: When someone has adjusted or become suited to new conditions.
Example: “She quickly adapted to the new software tools used by the company.”

6. Adept at

Appropriate Use: When someone is very skilled or proficient at something.
Example: “He’s adept at strategic planning and has led several successful projects.”

7. Versed in

Appropriate Use: When someone has thorough knowledge or expertise in a particular subject.
Example: “She is well-versed in employment law and its applications.”

8. Experienced in

Appropriate Use: When someone has knowledge or skill in a particular area due to having done it for a long time.
Example: “He is experienced in managing large, diverse teams.”

9. Proficient in

Appropriate Use: When someone has a high degree of skill or expertise in a particular field.
Example: “She is proficient in several programming languages.”

10. Skilled at

Appropriate Use: When someone has the ability and experience to do something well.
Example: “He is skilled at problem-solving and critical thinking.”

11. Inured to

Appropriate Use: When someone is used to something, often unpleasant, due to prolonged exposure.
Example: “She has become inured to working under tight deadlines.”

12. Seasoned in

Appropriate Use: When someone has a lot of experience in a particular area, making them knowledgeable.
Example: “He is a seasoned professional in the finance sector.”

13. Trained in

Appropriate Use: When someone has been taught and practiced a particular skill or type of behavior.
Example: “She is trained in project management methodologies.”

14. Comfortable with

Appropriate Use: When someone is at ease with a situation or task due to familiarity.
Example: “He’s become comfortable with public speaking through regular practice.”

15. Conversant with

Appropriate Use: When someone is knowledgeable about a subject through study or experience.
Example: “She is conversant with the latest digital marketing strategies.”

Linda Brown