Looking for synonyms for time period? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say time period.
- Duration
- Interval
- Span
- Stretch
- Term
- Phase
- Spell
- Era
- Epoch
- Season
- Cycle
- Stint
- Episode
- Age
- Eon
- Interlude
- Period
- Timespan
- Juncture
- Window
Want to learn how to say time period professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Duration
Used to refer to the length of time something lasts.
Example: “The duration of the contract is two years.”
2. Interval
Appropriate for a period between two events or times.
Example: “The interval between the two meetings was spent discussing the project details.”
3. Span
Used to describe the extent or length of time something covers.
Example: “Her career spanned four decades in the industry.”
4. Stretch
Appropriate for a continuous period of time.
Example: “During the busy stretch, the team worked overtime to meet the deadline.”
5. Term
Used to describe a fixed or set period of time.
Example: “He served a term of three years as the chairman of the board.”
6. Phase
Appropriate for a distinct period within a process of change.
Example: “The project is currently in the development phase.”
7. Spell
Used to refer to a short period of time.
Example: “She took a brief spell away from work for personal reasons.”
8. Era
Appropriate for a long and distinct period of history.
Example: “The digital era has transformed the way businesses operate.”
9. Epoch
Used for a period marked by notable events or particular characteristics.
Example: “The discovery marked a new epoch in space exploration.”
10. Season
Appropriate for a period of the year characterized by certain conditions.
Example: “The company sees a surge in sales during the holiday season.”
11. Cycle
Used to describe a series of events that repeat in a regular pattern.
Example: “The business follows a predictable cycle of highs and lows.”
12. Stint
Appropriate for a person’s fixed or allotted period of work.
Example: “Her stint in the marketing department provided valuable experience.”
13. Episode
Used to refer to a single event or group of events within a larger sequence.
Example: “This episode of restructuring was crucial for the company’s growth.”
14. Age
Appropriate for a long period of history, typically one marked by a characteristic.
Example: “The company was founded during the industrial age.”
15. Eon
Used for an indefinite and very long period of time.
Example: “The organization has been in existence for what seems like eons.”
16. Interlude
Appropriate for an intervening period of time.
Example: “There was a brief interlude between the two phases of the project.”
17. Period
Used to describe a length or portion of time.
Example: “The financial reports are prepared on a quarterly period basis.”
18. Timespan
Appropriate for the duration or extent of time something lasts.
Example: “The study covered a timespan of ten years.”
19. Juncture
Used to refer to a particular point in time, especially one of importance.
Example: “At this critical juncture, the company must decide its future direction.”
20. Window
Appropriate for a limited period of time during which an opportunity exists.
Example: “There is a small window of opportunity to enter the emerging market.”