What Is Another Way to Say “Put Together”?

Looking for synonyms for put together? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say put together.

  • Assemble
  • Compile
  • Construct
  • Compose
  • Create
  • Build
  • Fabricate
  • Form
  • Gather
  • Combine
  • Arrange
  • Organize
  • Develop
  • Produce
  • Synthesize
  • Erect
  • Consolidate
  • Concoct
  • Piece together
  • Set up

Want to learn how to say put together professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Assemble

Used when putting together individual pieces to make a whole.

  • Example: The team assembled the prototype in preparation for the demonstration.

2. Compile

Refers to gathering information from different sources into a single document or file.

  • Example: We need to compile all the monthly reports into a yearly summary.

3. Construct

Used for building something, typically something large or complex.

  • Example: The engineer is responsible for constructing the new bridge.

4. Compose

Refers to creating something by putting parts or elements together, often used in writing or music.

  • Example: She composed a comprehensive plan for the marketing campaign.

5. Create

A general term for bringing something into existence.

  • Example: The designer will create a new layout for the website.

6. Build

Refers to constructing something or putting parts together.

  • Example: The company plans to build a new headquarters downtown.

7. Fabricate

Involves constructing or manufacturing something, especially from prepared components.

  • Example: The company fabricates automotive parts for various clients.

8. Form

Used when creating something by putting parts together or combining substances.

  • Example: The committee was formed to address the new regulations.

9. Gather

To bring things or people together into a group.

  • Example: We need to gather all stakeholders for a meeting.

10. Combine

Refers to joining or merging things together to form a single entity.

  • Example: The two firms decided to combine their resources for the project.

11. Arrange

To put things in a particular order or configuration.

  • Example: She arranged the data into an easily understandable format.

12. Organize

To arrange systematically; order.

  • Example: He organized the conference, ensuring every detail was accounted for.

13. Develop

Refers to creating something over time, often something complex or substantial.

  • Example: The team is developing a new software application.

14. Produce

To create or make something.

  • Example: The factory produces a wide range of electronic goods.

15. Synthesize

To combine various elements to form a coherent whole.

  • Example: The study aimed to synthesize the findings from different research papers.

16. Erect

To build or construct something upright.

  • Example: The construction company erected a new skyscraper in the city center.

17. Consolidate

To combine into a single more effective or coherent whole.

  • Example: The company consolidated its operations to improve efficiency.

18. Concoct

To create or devise, especially a strategy or a plan.

  • Example: The marketing team concocted an innovative campaign for the new product.

19. Piece together

To assemble something from individual parts.

  • Example: Detectives are piecing together evidence from the crime scene.

20. Set up

To assemble or arrange something for use.

  • Example: They set up a new laboratory for advanced research.

Linda Brown