What Is Another Way to Say “Pretentious”?

Looking for synonyms for pretentious? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pretentious.

  • Ostentatious
  • Showy
  • Pompous
  • Flamboyant
  • Overblown
  • Grandiose
  • Affected
  • Snobbish
  • Conceited
  • Self-important
  • Arrogant
  • Haughty
  • Overambitious
  • Exaggerated
  • Flaunting
  • Overdone
  • Highfalutin
  • Puffed-up
  • Swanky
  • Bombastic

Want to learn how to say pretentious professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Ostentatious

Appropriate use: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress.
Example: “The ostentatious presentation was more about flashy graphics than substance.”

2. Showy

Appropriate use: Making a great or too great an impression.
Example: “Their showy marketing tactics didn’t resonate with the more conservative audience.”

3. Pompous

Appropriate use: Affectedly grand, solemn, or self-important.
Example: “The CEO’s pompous speech failed to connect with the company’s grassroots workforce.”

4. Flamboyant

Appropriate use: Tending to attract attention because of confidence and stylishness.
Example: “His flamboyant style of leadership was a topic of much discussion in the industry.”

5. Overblown

Appropriate use: Excessively inflated or pretentious.
Example: “The project’s goals were overblown and not realistically achievable.”

6. Grandiose

Appropriate use: Pretentious or extravagant in scale or intention.
Example: “Their grandiose plans for expansion overlooked practical limitations.”

7. Affected

Appropriate use: Behaving in an artificial way to impress others.
Example: “Her affected manner of speaking did not impress the seasoned investors.”

8. Snobbish

Appropriate use: Showing disdain or contempt for others considered to be of a lower social status.
Example: “His snobbish dismissal of the feedback was a source of frustration for the team.”

9. Conceited

Appropriate use: Excessively proud of oneself.
Example: “The conceited manager underestimated the complexity of the project.”

10. Self-important

Appropriate use: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own value or importance.
Example: “The self-important consultant made little effort to understand the team’s views.”

11. Arrogant

Appropriate use: Overbearingly assuming; insolently proud.
Example: “The arrogant approach taken by the new director alienated several key staff.”

12. Haughty

Appropriate use: Arrogantly superior and disdainful.
Example: “His haughty demeanor in meetings often stifled open discussion.”

13. Overambitious

Appropriate use: Excessively ambitious; trying to achieve too much.
Example: “The overambitious scope of the project set unrealistic expectations.”

14. Exaggerated

Appropriate use: Represented as greater than is true or reasonable.
Example: “The exaggerated claims about the product’s capabilities led to customer dissatisfaction.”

15. Flaunting

Appropriate use: Displaying (something) ostentatiously.
Example: “Flaunting their success, the company overlooked emerging competitive threats.”

16. Overdone

Appropriate use: Excessive or exaggerated.
Example: “The overdone promotional event did not seem authentic to the company’s values.”

17. Highfalutin

Appropriate use: Pompous or pretentious.
Example: “His highfalutin talk about the business didn’t cover up the lack of a clear plan.”

18. Puffed-up

Appropriate use: Excessively proud or self-assured; arrogant.
Example: “The puffed-up CEO rarely acknowledged the contributions of his staff.”

19. Swanky

Appropriate use: Stylishly luxurious and expensive in a way that is intended to impress.
Example: “The swanky corporate headquarters contrasted sharply with the company’s modest beginnings.”

20. Bombastic

Appropriate use: High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.
Example: “His bombastic claims about the company’s future were met with skepticism.”

Linda Brown