Looking for synonyms for out of the ordinary? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say out of the ordinary.
- Unusual
- Extraordinary
- Atypical
- Uncommon
- Remarkable
- Unique
- Anomalous
- Exceptional
- Peculiar
- Rare
- Singular
- Unorthodox
- Nonstandard
- Irregular
- Odd
- Striking
- Unconventional
- Abnormal
- Distinctive
- Noteworthy
Want to learn how to say out of the ordinary professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Unusual
Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that is not common, usual, or expected.
Example: It’s unusual for the CEO to attend such a low-level meeting.
2. Extraordinary
Appropriate Use: Ideal for something very unusual or remarkable.
Example: The team’s extraordinary performance exceeded all our expectations.
3. Atypical
Appropriate Use: Used for something that is not representative of a type, group, or class.
Example: The company’s atypical approach to marketing set it apart from competitors.
4. Uncommon
Appropriate Use: Appropriate for something rare or not usual.
Example: Finding such an uncommon skill set in a single candidate is challenging.
5. Remarkable
Appropriate Use: Suitable for something worthy of attention; striking.
Example: The startup’s rapid growth is truly remarkable.
6. Unique
Appropriate Use: Ideal for being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Example: The company’s unique culture attracts top talent.
7. Anomalous
Appropriate Use: Used for something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Example: The anomalous sales figures this quarter require further investigation.
8. Exceptional
Appropriate Use: Appropriate for something unusual; not typical.
Example: Her exceptional leadership skills were evident in how she handled the crisis.
9. Peculiar
Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that is strange or unusual.
Example: The peculiar way the data is organized makes it hard to analyze.
10. Rare
Appropriate Use: Ideal for something not occurring very often.
Example: It’s rare to find such dedication and work ethic in an intern.
11. Singular
Appropriate Use: Used for something remarkable, extraordinary, or unique.
Example: The CEO has a singular vision for the future of the company.
12. Unorthodox
Appropriate Use: Appropriate for something contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted.
Example: The team’s unorthodox approach solved the problem in an innovative way.
13. Nonstandard
Appropriate Use: Suitable for not conforming to the standard, usual, or expected.
Example: The project followed a nonstandard procedure, yielding unexpected results.
14. Irregular
Appropriate Use: Ideal for not following the usual rules or customs.
Example: The irregular pattern of transactions triggered a financial audit.
15. Odd
Appropriate Use: Used for something different from what is usual or expected; strange.
Example: His odd behavior during the meeting raised a few eyebrows.
16. Striking
Appropriate Use: Appropriate for attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.
Example: The striking difference in the two departments’ performances was notable.
17. Unconventional
Appropriate Use: Suitable for not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
Example: Her unconventional approach to problem-solving often leads to innovative solutions.
18. Abnormal
Appropriate Use: Ideal for deviating from what is normal or usual.
Example: The abnormal increase in expenses this month warrants a closer look.
19. Distinctive
Appropriate Use: Used for characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others.
Example: The company’s distinctive branding sets it apart in a crowded market.
20. Noteworthy
Appropriate Use: Appropriate for deserving attention because of being important or interesting.
Example: The team’s achievement is noteworthy in the context of the difficult economic climate.