What Is Another Way to Say “Opt Out”?

Looking for synonyms for opt out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say opt out.

  • Withdraw
  • Decline
  • Abstain
  • Choose not to participate
  • Refuse
  • Bow out
  • Disengage
  • Back out
  • Step down
  • Pull out
  • Excuse oneself
  • Forego
  • Pass up
  • Desist
  • Say no
  • Reject
  • Demur
  • Discontinue
  • Forfeit
  • Avoid

Want to learn how to say opt out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Withdraw

“Withdraw” is used when someone removes themselves from participation in an activity or agreement.

Example: “Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to withdraw from the partnership.”

2. Decline

“Decline” is appropriate when someone politely refuses an offer or invitation.

Example: “After careful consideration, I have decided to decline the job offer.”

3. Abstain

“Abstain” refers to the deliberate choice not to participate in a vote or decision.

Example: “Three members of the committee chose to abstain from the final vote.”

4. Choose Not to Participate

“Choose not to participate” is a clear and neutral way of indicating a decision not to be involved in an activity.

Example: “Several employees chose not to participate in the team-building exercise.”

5. Refuse

“Refuse” is used when someone firmly declines or rejects an offer, request, or opportunity.

Example: “The investor decided to refuse the proposal due to potential risks.”

6. Bow Out

“Bow out” is an informal way of saying to voluntarily exit a situation, typically to allow others to handle it.

Example: “After two successful terms, the CEO decided to bow out to pursue other interests.”

7. Disengage

“Disengage” suggests detaching oneself from involvement in an activity or commitment.

Example: “The company decided to disengage from further negotiations due to conflicting interests.”

8. Back Out

“Back out” implies withdrawing from an agreement or commitment, often at the last moment.

Example: “The vendor decided to back out of the deal at the last minute, citing financial constraints.”

9. Step Down

“Step down” is often used when someone voluntarily resigns from a position or role.

Example: “The director chose to step down from his role to focus on personal projects.”

10. Pull Out

“Pull out” refers to leaving or stopping participation in an activity, organization, or agreement.

Example: “Due to budget cuts, the company had to pull out of the research collaboration.”

11. Excuse Oneself

“Excuse oneself” is a polite way of indicating that one is removing themselves from a situation or obligation.

Example: “She had to excuse herself from the meeting due to a prior commitment.”

12. Forego

“Forego” means to abstain from or relinquish the right to something.

Example: “The team decided to forego the bonus to ensure the project stayed within budget.”

13. Pass Up

“Pass up” suggests choosing not to take advantage of an opportunity.

Example: “It was a difficult decision to pass up the chance to expand overseas.”

14. Desist

“Desist” means to stop doing something, especially an action that is opposed by others.

Example: “The company was asked to desist from using the disputed marketing material.”

15. Say No

“Say no” is a straightforward way of refusing or declining something.

Example: “Sometimes, it’s important to say no to unrealistic client demands.”

16. Reject

“Reject” implies refusing to accept, consider, or submit to something.

Example: “The board decided to reject the merger proposal after evaluating all factors.”

17. Demur

“Demur” means to raise doubts or show reluctance.

Example: “The manager demurred at the suggestion of cutting down the workforce.”

18. Discontinue

“Discontinue” is used when stopping an activity or process that has been ongoing.

Example: “The company will discontinue its older product lines to focus on newer technologies.”

19. Forfeit

“Forfeit” implies losing or giving up something as a penalty for not following through on an agreement.

Example: “By withdrawing from the contract, the company had to forfeit its initial deposit.”

20. Avoid

“Avoid” suggests deliberately staying away from or not getting involved in something.

Example: “To maintain neutrality, the firm chose to avoid any political endorsements.”

Linda Brown