Looking for synonyms for close-minded? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say close-minded.
- Narrow-minded
- Bigoted
- Intolerant
- Prejudiced
- Inflexible
- Dogmatic
- Unreceptive
- Biased
- Obstinate
- Parochial
- Insular
- Myopic
- Intransigent
- Provincial
- Rigid
- Unyielding
- Unimaginative
- Hidebound
- Conventional
- Opinionated
Want to learn how to say close-minded professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Narrow-minded
When to Use: This term is often used to describe someone who is not willing to consider different ideas or perspectives, especially in professional environments where adaptability and open-mindedness are key.
Example: “His narrow-minded approach to the marketing strategy failed to consider the latest trends in consumer behavior.”
2. Bigoted
When to Use: ‘Bigoted’ is appropriate when referring to someone who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one exhibiting intolerance or animosity towards different social or racial groups.
Example: “The manager’s bigoted views on workplace diversity were not in line with the company’s values of inclusivity.”
3. Intolerant
When to Use: This synonym is used in professional settings to describe an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own.
Example: “Her intolerant attitude towards alternative business models hindered the team’s innovative potential.”
4. Prejudiced
When to Use: ‘Prejudiced’ is used when someone pre-judges a person or situation without sufficient knowledge, often in a professional context relating to hiring or teamwork.
Example: “His prejudiced opinion on remote workers affected his ability to manage a diverse team effectively.”
5. Inflexible
When to Use: This term is suitable for describing a lack of adaptability or willingness to change ideas or decisions in the workplace.
Example: “The team leader’s inflexible stance on project timelines led to unnecessary stress and overwork.”
6. Dogmatic
When to Use: ‘Dogmatic’ is apt for someone who asserts opinions in an authoritative and not easily swayed manner, especially when these opinions are not backed by evidence.
Example: “Her dogmatic approach to the company’s policies stifled creativity and employee engagement.”
7. Unreceptive
When to Use: Use this term when someone is not willing to consider or accept new ideas or opinions, especially in a collaborative work environment.
Example: “His unreceptive nature to client feedback made him a difficult partner in the negotiation process.”
8. Biased
When to Use: This synonym is appropriate for situations where someone shows inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something in a way that is considered to be unfair.
Example: “His biased analysis of the market data skewed the results of the report.”
9. Obstinate
When to Use: ‘Obstinate’ is used to describe someone who is stubbornly refusing to change their opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade them to do so.
Example: “The director was obstinate in his decision-making, disregarding the advice of his experienced team members.”
10. Parochial
When to Use: This term is used to describe a limited or narrow outlook, especially focused on a local area; narrow-mindedness.
Example: “Her parochial view of the industry trends ignored the global market dynamics.”
11. Insular
When to Use: ‘Insular’ is suitable for someone who is ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience.
Example: “The CEO’s insular mindset hindered the company’s expansion into international markets.”
12. Myopic
When to Use: Use this term when referring to someone who has a lack of foresight or intellectual insight, especially in a business context.
Example: “His myopic focus on short-term gains led to the neglect of long-term sustainability of the project.”
13. Intransigent
When to Use: ‘Intransigent’ is used for someone who refuses to change their views, or to agree about something, particularly in negotiation or conflict resolution scenarios.
Example: “In the merger discussions, her intransigent attitude made it difficult to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.”
14. Provincial
When to Use: This term is appropriate for describing a person with a narrow, limited, or simplistic outlook, often due to inexperience.
Example: “His provincial understanding of the tech industry was evident in his outdated business proposals.”
15. Rigid
When to Use: Use ‘rigid’ for someone who is not flexible or willing to change their ideas or responses, especially in a dynamic work environment.
Example: “The manager’s rigid rules on remote working did not accommodate the team’s need for flexibility.”
16. Unyielding
When to Use: This synonym is suitable for someone who is not giving way to pressure; hard or inflexible.
Example: “Her unyielding adherence to outdated policies was a barrier to innovative changes in the company.”
17. Unimaginative
When to Use: Use this term for a person who shows a lack of creativity or innovation, particularly in problem-solving or strategic thinking.
Example: “His unimaginative approach to product development resulted in lackluster designs that failed to capture the market’s interest.”
18. Hidebound
When to Use: ‘Hidebound’ is apt for someone who is unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.
Example: “The hidebound procedures in the organization stifled any opportunity for process improvement.”
19. Conventional
When to Use: This term is used for someone who is unadventurous and does not stray from traditional methods or ideas.
Example: “Her conventional thinking was not suitable for a company aiming to disrupt the industry.”
20. Opinionated
When to Use: Use ‘opinionated’ to describe someone who is assertive and often stubbornly so with their opinions.
Example: “His opinionated stance during meetings often overshadowed the contributions of others.”