What Is Another Way to Say “Nice”?

Looking for synonyms for nice? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say nice.

  • Pleasant
  • Delightful
  • Agreeable
  • Enjoyable
  • Lovely
  • Charming
  • Amiable
  • Pleasing
  • Cordial
  • Friendly
  • Gracious
  • Kind
  • Genial
  • Courteous
  • Likable
  • Affable
  • Cheerful
  • Warm
  • Welcoming
  • Good-natured

Want to learn how to say nice professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Pleasant

When to use: Suitable for a generally agreeable and enjoyable experience or person.
Example: “The conference was a pleasant experience, with insightful speakers and engaging topics.”

2. Delightful

When to use: When describing something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment.
Example: “The team outing was delightful, with a perfect blend of fun activities and relaxation.”

3. Agreeable

When to use: Appropriate for something that is pleasing to the senses or mind.
Example: “The new office layout is quite agreeable, offering both comfort and functionality.”

4. Enjoyable

When to use: Suitable for an experience or event that is pleasant or fun.
Example: “The team-building exercise was surprisingly enjoyable and fostered great camaraderie.”

5. Lovely

When to use: When describing something that is attractive or pleasing in a gentle way.
Example: “The decor in the guest lounge is lovely, creating a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.”

6. Charming

When to use: Appropriate for someone or something that is extremely pleasing or delightful.
Example: “Her presentation style was charming, keeping the audience engaged throughout.”

7. Amiable

When to use: Suitable for someone who is friendly and pleasant to be with.
Example: “The new project manager is quite amiable, making collaboration smoother.”

8. Pleasing

When to use: When something is satisfying or appealing.
Example: “The pleasing aesthetics of the product design contributed to its market success.”

9. Cordial

When to use: Appropriate for a warm and friendly attitude.
Example: “The negotiations between the companies were conducted in a cordial manner.”

10. Friendly

When to use: Suitable for a kind, pleasant, or supportive person.
Example: “The customer service team is known for their friendly and helpful attitude.”

11. Gracious

When to use: When someone is courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially in a social situation.
Example: “The host was gracious, ensuring all attendees felt comfortable during the event.”

12. Kind

When to use: Appropriate for someone who is considerate and helpful.
Example: “Her kind approach to feedback makes her a respected and effective leader.”

13. Genial

When to use: Suitable for a cheerful, friendly, and sympathetic demeanor.
Example: “His genial nature makes him popular among both colleagues and clients.”

14. Courteous

When to use: When someone shows politeness in one’s attitude and behavior towards others.
Example: “Despite the challenging questions, she remained courteous and professional throughout the interview.”

15. Likable

When to use: Appropriate for someone who is easily enjoyable and pleasant to be around.
Example: “The new intern is very likable, quickly fitting in with the team.”

16. Affable

When to use: Suitable for someone who is easy to talk to and friendly.
Example: “The CEO is quite affable, making even new employees feel at ease during conversations.”

17. Cheerful

When to use: When someone is noticeably happy and optimistic.
Example: “His cheerful demeanor in the workplace boosts the team’s morale.”

18. Warm

When to use: Appropriate for a person who shows enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
Example: “Her warm welcome to visitors always leaves a positive impression.”

19. Welcoming

When to use: Suitable for a friendly and hospitable reception or environment.
Example: “The office has a welcoming vibe, with open spaces and collaborative areas.”

20. Good-natured

When to use: When someone is naturally kind, friendly, and pleasant to be with.
Example: “Despite the pressure, he remains good-natured and supportive of his colleagues.”

Linda Brown