What Is Another Way to Say “Narrow”?

Looking for synonyms for narrow? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say narrow.

  • Slim
  • Tight
  • Constricted
  • Limited
  • Restrictive
  • Cramped
  • Slender
  • Thin
  • Tapered
  • Skinny
  • Squeezed
  • Contracted
  • Confined
  • Compact
  • Straitened
  • Close
  • Pinched
  • Compressed
  • Trim
  • Streamlined

Want to learn how to say narrow professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Slim

When to use: Suitable for describing something that is slender in width.
Example: “The architect designed a slim tower to fit the narrow urban space.”

2. Tight

When to use: When referring to spaces or margins that are closely constrained.
Example: “The budget for this project is quite tight, leaving little room for additional expenses.”

3. Constricted

When to use: Suitable for describing a space that is narrowed or made smaller.
Example: “The constricted corridor made it challenging to move the large equipment.”

4. Limited

When to use: When options, resources, or space are restricted in extent, number, or scope.
Example: “Our team has limited resources, so we need to plan our project efficiently.”

5. Restrictive

When to use: Suitable for describing conditions or policies that severely limit options or activities.
Example: “The restrictive regulations make it difficult for new businesses to enter the market.”

6. Cramped

When to use: When referring to a space that is uncomfortably small or restricted.
Example: “The employees were working in a cramped office before the expansion.”

7. Slender

When to use: Suitable for describing something gracefully thin.
Example: “The new model of the smartphone is impressively slender yet powerful.”

8. Thin

When to use: Appropriate for something with little thickness or width.
Example: “The thin design of the laptop makes it perfect for travel.”

9. Tapered

When to use: When describing something that gradually narrows towards one end.
Example: “The tapered design of the building reduces its footprint at ground level.”

10. Skinny

When to use: Informally used to describe something very narrow.
Example: “The skinny alleyway was barely wide enough for the delivery truck.”

11. Squeezed

When to use: Suitable for describing a situation where space is tight or limited.
Example: “The squeezed office layout made private conversations difficult.”

12. Contracted

When to use: When something has been made smaller or narrower.
Example: “The contracted space in the airplane cabin made it feel more crowded.”

13. Confined

When to use: Suitable for a space that is restricted in area or volume.
Example: “The team worked in a confined area to complete the urgent repairs.”

14. Compact

When to use: Appropriate for something small and efficiently arranged.
Example: “The compact design of the device makes it highly portable.”

15. Straitened

When to use: When describing a situation or condition that is restricted, especially financially.
Example: “The company has been operating under straitened circumstances due to budget cuts.”

16. Close

When to use: Suitable for a space or situation where little room is available.
Example: “The close quarters of the submarine required efficient use of space.”

17. Pinched

When to use: When resources or space are limited to the point of causing difficulty.
Example: “The pinched budget required the team to be creative with their solutions.”

18. Compressed

When to use: Suitable for something that has been pressed into a smaller space.
Example: “The compressed layout of the dashboard allows for more features.”

19. Trim

When to use: Appropriate for a streamlined and efficient design or appearance.
Example: “The trim architecture of the bridge is not only aesthetic but also functional.”

20. Streamlined

When to use: When something is designed or organized to be efficient and avoid unnecessary complexity.
Example: “The streamlined process improved workflow and saved time.”

Linda Brown