What Is Another Way to Say “Moreover”?

Looking for synonyms for moreover? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say moreover.

  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • Besides
  • Also
  • In addition
  • Plus
  • As well
  • Likewise
  • Similarly
  • What’s more
  • Correspondingly
  • Equally
  • Then again
  • Not to mention
  • And
  • Again
  • As a matter of fact
  • By the same token
  • On top of that
  • Consequently

Want to learn how to say moreover professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Furthermore

When to use: To introduce additional supporting information that emphasizes a point.
Example: “Furthermore, the recent survey indicates a growing trend in online shopping among consumers.”

2. Additionally

When to use: When adding information that complements what has been previously said.
Example: “The software is easy to use; additionally, it offers advanced customization options.”

3. Besides

When to use: To introduce an additional point that supports or reinforces a statement.
Example: “Besides the financial benefits, this strategy will improve our environmental footprint.”

4. Also

When to use: Suitable for adding an extra piece of information, often used in lists.
Example: “The company plans to expand its operations in Asia, and also in South America.”

5. In addition

When to use: To introduce an extra idea or fact that adds to what you have just said.
Example: “In addition to time-saving features, the app also ensures data security.”

6. Plus

When to use: Informally used to introduce an additional positive factor.
Example: “The new policy will reduce costs, plus it will increase employee satisfaction.”

7. As well

When to use: To add information that is similar to what has been said.
Example: “He is responsible for managing the team, as well as overseeing the project timelines.”

8. Likewise

When to use: To add a point that is similar or identical in nature to what has been discussed.
Example: “The marketing team exceeded their goals last quarter. Likewise, the sales team has outperformed their targets.”

9. Similarly

When to use: To introduce a point that is similar to one previously mentioned.
Example: “This approach has been successful in the European market. Similarly, we expect positive results in Asia.”

10. What’s more

When to use: To add surprising or unexpected information to what has been said.
Example: “The new product has received excellent reviews, and what’s more, it is more cost-effective than its predecessor.”

11. Correspondingly

When to use: To add a point that is in agreement or harmony with what has been said.
Example: “As the demand for the product increased, correspondingly, the production rates were ramped up.”

12. Equally

When to use: When making a point that is as important as what has been previously mentioned.
Example: “Equally important is the company’s commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.”

13. Then again

When to use: To introduce a contrasting point or thought.
Example: “The strategy seems risky; then again, the high potential rewards could justify the approach.”

14. Not to mention

When to use: To add an important point, often as an afterthought.
Example: “He is an excellent communicator, not to mention his exceptional problem-solving skills.”

15. And

When to use: The most common way to add additional information.
Example: “The project will improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.”

16. Again

When to use: To add emphasis or to repeat a point for clarity or importance.
Example: “Again, I would like to highlight the importance of cybersecurity in our digital operations.”

17. As a matter of fact

When to use: To add information that strengthens or confirms a previous statement.
Example: “As a matter of fact, the last quarter’s results were the best in the company’s history.”

18. By the same token

When to use: To introduce a statement that is similarly true as the previous one.
Example: “The software simplifies data analysis; by the same token, it enhances data accuracy.”

19. On top of that

When to use: To introduce an additional fact or argument that further strengthens a point.
Example: “On top of that, our new partnership will open up opportunities in international markets.”

20. Consequently

When to use: To introduce a result or outcome related to the previously mentioned information.
Example: “The company has invested heavily in research and development; consequently, it has pioneered several innovative products.”

Linda Brown