What Is Another Way to Say “Look For”?

Looking for synonyms for look for? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say look for.

  • Search
  • Seek
  • Scout
  • Hunt
  • Browse
  • Explore
  • Probe
  • Investigate
  • Examine
  • Scour
  • Sift
  • Rummage
  • Scrutinize
  • Quest
  • Survey
  • Inspect
  • Delve
  • Fish
  • Inquire
  • Pursue

Want to learn how to say look for professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

Use “search” when looking thoroughly for something.
Example: The team conducted a search for the missing files in the database.

2. Seek

“Seek” is used for attempting to find something.
Example: We are currently seeking a new location for our headquarters.

3. Scout

Use “scout” when searching for information or locations, often for specific purposes.
Example: They sent an agent to scout for potential office spaces in the area.

4. Hunt

“Hunt” is suitable for actively searching for something or someone.
Example: The recruiter is on the hunt for talented software developers.

5. Browse

Use “browse” for a casual or leisurely search, especially when looking through information or items without a specific goal.
Example: She browsed the internet for the latest industry news.

6. Explore

“Explore” is used when searching or investigating with an open mind to discover new things.
Example: The team will explore various marketing strategies to find the most effective one.

7. Probe

Use “probe” for in-depth and thorough investigation.
Example: The committee decided to probe into the irregularities in the financial report.

8. Investigate

“Investigate” is suitable for formally or systematically searching for facts.
Example: We need to investigate the root causes of the production delays.

9. Examine

Use “examine” when inspecting something closely.
Example: The technician examined the equipment to diagnose the issue.

10. Scour

“Scour” is used for searching thoroughly over an area.
Example: They scoured the market for the best suppliers.

11. Sift

Use “sift” when going through something thoroughly to find something specific.
Example: The analyst sifted through the data for relevant statistics.

12. Rummage

“Rummage” is suitable for a thorough search in a disorganized way.
Example: He rummaged through the documents to find the old reports.

13. Scrutinize

Use “scrutinize” for examining something very carefully in detail.
Example: The proposal was scrutinized by the board for any potential risks.

14. Quest

“Quest” is used for a long or arduous search for something.
Example: The company has been on a quest to find sustainable raw materials.

15. Survey

Use “survey” when looking over or examining the extent, condition, or nature of something.
Example: The team surveyed the market trends for the upcoming quarter.

16. Inspect

“Inspect” is suitable for examining something closely, often for quality or defects.
Example: The quality control team inspects every product before shipment.

17. Delve

Use “delve” for a deep and thorough investigation into something.
Example: The researcher delved into historical archives for her thesis.

18. Fish

“Fish” is used for searching for something by probing or investigating indirectly.
Example: He fished around in the database for any relevant information.

19. Inquire

Use “inquire” when asking for information.
Example: She inquired about the availability of the conference room for next week.

20. Pursue

“Pursue” is suitable for following or chasing after something.
Example: The journalist pursued the story for several months.

Linda Brown