How to Ask Your Boss for Time to Talk in an Email

From time to time, you’ll need to book a meeting or a personal chat with your employer to keep things afloat at work.

But how can one go about requesting time to talk with a superior?

In this article, we’ll show you 6 different ways to ask your boss for a meeting or discussion. So, stick around!

6 Ways to Ask Your Boss for Time to Talk

Check out these 6 ways to ask your boss if he is free for a chat at work:

  • Are you available for a meeting?
  • Can we have a discussion about this at some point?
  • Are you free to discuss this?
  • Can we schedule a meeting?
  • I would be keen to discuss this further
  • When would be a good time to discuss this?

1. Are You Available for a Meeting?

If you’re unsure how to ask for a meeting with your boss, we would recommend a straightforward approach.

Thus, the phrase are you available for a meeting is a great option.

This phrase allows you to tentatively ask about your employer’s schedule. Moreover, it sets out clearly that you are interested in having a meeting with them.

Although this alternative makes your intentions clear, it is still phrased as a question.

In addition, it asks whether your boss is available for a meeting instead of asking for a meeting directly.

In short, this phrase strikes a great balance by setting out what you want without being overly demanding.

Let’s see it in an email example:

Dear Ms. Mosaku,

I have a few questions about your travel arrangements for the conference.

Are you available for a meeting tomorrow so we can finalize some details?

Kind regards,
Javier Taffe

2. Can We Have a Discussion About This at Some Point?

 Perhaps you work at a smaller business and often engage face-to-face with your employer or superior.

In this instance, you will probably use more casual and straightforward phrasing when requesting time to talk with the boss.

The phrase can we have a discussion about this at some point indicates that your request to speak is not urgent.

In short, you would like to talk about a particular issue at some point in the future, but you are not asking to book in time with your boss immediately.

Have a look at how to ask your manager for time to talk with this alternative:

Hi Joel,

There are a few more bits of information I will need to finish this client’s books.

Can we have a discussion about this at some point?

Kind regards,

3. Are You Free to Discuss This?

Are you free to discuss this is another good phrase to use when you want to ask about your employer’s availability for a discussion.

It can be daunting to ask your boss for a personal talk about your role in the company or personal circumstances that could be affecting your ability to work.

However, by asking are you free to discuss this, you are checking tentatively whether your boss has a moment in their schedule to speak to you that day or in the near future.

Like many of the other phrases in our list, this synonym uses indirect phrasing. This makes it a good option when you’re speaking to a superior, especially in a more formal role.

Check out this sample email to see what we mean:

Dear Cornell,

I have recently heard back from my doctor about the treatment I will need to undergo, and this may impact my work schedule.

Are you free to discuss this this afternoon?

Kind regards,

4. Can We Schedule a Meeting?

If you work in a fast-paced corporate setting, it makes sense to be as to-the-point as possible when you are seeking to meet with your employer.

After all, both you and your boss are bound to be very busy. Thus, neither of you will have time for flowery email etiquette.

The phrase can we schedule a meeting is very clear and direct. This makes it a great choice if you know that your boss will appreciate clear and concise communication.

Consider this email sample:

Dear Rasaq,

Can we schedule a meeting this week with the litigation team?


5. I Would Be Keen to Discuss This Further

If you’re wondering how to ask your boss for time to talk formally, you should try the phrase I would be keen to discuss this further.

This phrase has a very professional register, making it a good option if you don’t interact with your employer very often.

For example, if you work in a very large office setting, you or your department may rarely see your boss at all.

The words I would be keen will make your message sound enthusiastic while still maintaining strong professional boundaries.

To see what we mean, have a look at this email example:

Dear Miss Akinwunmi,

I have made a few notes about the memorandum distributed to our department.

I would be keen to discuss this further in person at a time that would be convenient to you.

Samuel Abigaba

6. When Would Be a Good Time to Discuss This?

The phrase when would be a good time to discuss this is a great example of how to ask your boss to talk in private.

If the topic of your impending conversation is serious or personal and requires privacy, it makes sense to phrase your question this way.

After all, this phrase implies that you and your employer will need to find a time and space in which you can discuss the issue while no one else is present.

This can be tricky to achieve in a busy office setting!

Thus, by asking “when would be a good time” to talk, you are leaving it up to your boss to designate some time for your conversation.

Moreover, it shows that although you need to speak about a serious topic, you are still happy to accommodate your boss’s schedule.

Let’s see this phrase in our final email sample:

Dear Gamba,

I have a few concerns about the collaboration that I feel we should consider in private.

When would be a good time to discuss this?


Can You Ask Your Boss for Time to Talk?

It is perfectly acceptable to ask your boss for time to talk.

There are many possible reasons why you might reach out to your supervisor, manager, or any other superior for a discussion.

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to speak to your boss about a particular project at work.

This is a great way to discern what your employer’s expectations are when it comes to how a project should be done.

Occasionally, you may want to speak to your boss about a more private or personal topic.

For instance, you may want to speak to them one-on-one to discuss your health, your experience at the workplace, or your future at the organization.

Kahlan House