What Is Another Way to Say “Inadvertently”?

Looking for synonyms for inadvertently? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say inadvertently.

  • Unintentionally
  • Accidentally
  • Unknowingly
  • Unwittingly
  • By mistake
  • Without realizing
  • Unconsciously
  • Involuntarily
  • By accident
  • Carelessly
  • Subconsciously
  • Without intending
  • Absentmindedly
  • Without knowing
  • By chance
  • Erroneously
  • Fortuitously
  • Incidentally
  • Unexpectedly
  • Unpremeditatedly

Want to learn how to say inadvertently professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unintentionally

Appropriate Use: ‘Unintentionally’ is used when an action occurs without deliberate intent.
Example: “I unintentionally deleted the important files from the shared drive.”

2. Accidentally

Appropriate Use: ‘Accidentally’ refers to something happening by chance or without intent.
Example: “The email was accidentally sent to the entire company instead of just the department.”

3. Unknowingly

Appropriate Use: ‘Unknowingly’ implies doing something without awareness or knowledge.
Example: “He unknowingly shared confidential information during the public presentation.”

4. Unwittingly

Appropriate Use: ‘Unwittingly’ is used when someone does something without realizing or being aware of the full implications.
Example: “She unwittingly compromised the system’s security by installing unauthorized software.”

5. By mistake

Appropriate Use: ‘By mistake’ indicates that an action was done erroneously or accidentally.
Example: “The report was sent to the wrong client by mistake.”

6. Without realizing

Appropriate Use: ‘Without realizing’ means doing something without conscious recognition or awareness.
Example: “I ended the call without realizing they had more questions.”

7. Unconsciously

Appropriate Use: ‘Unconsciously’ implies doing something without conscious thought or attention.
Example: “He unconsciously repeated the same error in each document.”

8. Involuntarily

Appropriate Use: ‘Involuntarily’ refers to an action that is not under one’s conscious control.
Example: “Her hand involuntarily twitched when the topic was mentioned.”

9. By accident

Appropriate Use: ‘By accident’ suggests something happening by chance or unintentionally.
Example: “The important files were deleted by accident during the system update.”

10. Carelessly

Appropriate Use: ‘Carelessly’ is used when an action is done without due attention or consideration, leading to unintentional outcomes.
Example: “The data breach occurred because an employee carelessly clicked on a phishing link.”

11. Subconsciously

Appropriate Use: ‘Subconsciously’ refers to doing something driven by subconscious thought rather than deliberate decision.
Example: “She subconsciously incorporated her own biases into the project’s design.”

12. Without intending

Appropriate Use: ‘Without intending’ means doing something without a deliberate plan or purpose.
Example: “The manager offended the client without intending to.”

13. Absentmindedly

Appropriate Use: ‘Absentmindedly’ indicates doing something without full attention or while distracted.
Example: “He absentmindedly left the confidential documents on the train.”

14. Without knowing

Appropriate Use: ‘Without knowing’ suggests doing something without possession of certain knowledge.
Example: “The team implemented the changes without knowing the full consequences.”

15. By chance

Appropriate Use: ‘By chance’ refers to something happening accidentally or without a plan.
Example: “She found the error in the report by chance while looking for something else.”

16. Erroneously

Appropriate Use: ‘Erroneously’ is used when something is done in error or mistakenly.
Example: “The figures were erroneously calculated, leading to an incorrect conclusion.”

17. Fortuitously

Appropriate Use: ‘Fortuitously’ implies something happening by fortunate accident or chance.
Example: “He fortuitously stumbled upon a solution while researching an unrelated issue.”

18. Incidentally

Appropriate Use: ‘Incidentally’ means something occurring by chance in a minor or secondary manner.
Example: “Incidentally, the team discovered a more efficient process.”

19. Unexpectedly

Appropriate Use: ‘Unexpectedly’ refers to something happening without being foreseen or anticipated.
Example: “The CEO unexpectedly announced his resignation during the meeting.”

20. Unpremeditatedly

Appropriate Use: ‘Unpremeditatedly’ is used for actions that are not thought out or planned in advance.
Example: “The comment was made unpremeditatedly, without considering its impact.”

Linda Brown