What Is Another Way to Say “Will Do”?

You want to confirm that you are willing and able to carry out a task or instruction from your boss, a colleague, or a client.

But is will do a suitable phrase to use in a professional email?

In this article, we’ll discuss 10 different ways to respond affirmatively to a request at work.

Thereafter, we’ll discuss the correctness of this phrase and whether it’s appropriate to use it in a work setting.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “Will Do”

Check out these 10 examples of how to say will do professionally in an email:

  • I am happy to
  • Consider it done
  • I can certainly accomplish that
  • I’ll do my best
  • I will endeavor to do that
  • That will be done immediately
  • That’s perfectly doable
  • I will make that happen
  • I’m on it
  • I would be delighted to

1. I Am Happy To

The phrase I am happy to is a polite and enthusiastic response to a request from your boss.

This phrase comes across as slightly more formal than will do, making it suitable for an email to a superior.

In addition, it shows that you aren’t just willing to carry out the requested task but have a positive attitude in the face of requests or instructions.

This is always a good quality in an employee!

Therefore, let’s see an email example that includes this phrase:

Dear Genevieve,

Certainly, I am happy to assist you with this.

Kind regards,

2. Consider It Done

Consider it done is another business casual way to convey your willingness to do a requested task.

Therefore, you can use this phrase when a coworker has asked something of you.

This phrase shows that you are confident in your ability to carry out the specific task. This is always a green flag for a team member.

After all, it shows that your team can trust you to take responsibility as needed.

Therefore, have a look at how we’ve used this phrase in a sample email:

Dear Teagan,

Consider it done.

All the best,

3. I Can Certainly Accomplish That

A more formal way to say will do is I can certainly accomplish that.

This is a good way to respond when a client has asked you to do something specific and potentially onerous.

I can certainly accomplish that is a polite phrase that shows that you are highly capable.

Therefore, clients and customers will feel happy to approach you for assistance. This creates confidence in your entire organization as well.

See the example below:

Dear Ms. Osho,

I can certainly accomplish that, and I will provide written confirmation as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Asim Chaudhry

4. I’ll Do My Best

You can say I’ll do my best when a colleague has made a difficult request and you aren’t certain that you will succeed.

Saying I’ll do my best lets your coworker know that you will give every effort to the task even if completing it may not be possible.

Sometimes, this is all you can do!

This alternative uses very plain phrasing and is overall tonally neutral. Therefore, it’s suitable to use even if you don’t know this particular coworker very well.

Check out the following email example:

Dear Athena,

I’ll do my best to get you those details by the end of the day, but I may need some additional time.


5. I Will Endeavor to Do That

I will endeavor to do that is a more formal variation of the phrase above.

Therefore, you can use this phrase when a client or customer has given you a burdensome or complex task that you may not be able to complete immediately.

Once again, this phrase shows that you will attempt to carry out the task to the best of your abilities despite the potential obstacles.

This should promote confidence on the part of the client.

For instance:

Dear Miss Horgan,

Absolutely, I will endeavor to do that before the end of the week.

I will contact you if I run into any difficulties.

Kind regards,
Douglas Hope

6. That Will Be Done Immediately

Another way to say will do in an email to your boss is that will be done immediately.

This phrase lets your employer know that you will prioritize their request, which is an ideal way to respond to an instruction from a superior.

Moreover, this phrase maintains a very professional register and shows your competence when you are assigned a task.

Let’s see it in an email sample:

Dear Mr. Calchetti,


That will be done immediately when I return to the office.

Lloyd Kirrane

7. That’s Perfectly Doable

You can use the phrase that’s perfectly doable when a customer has asked whether you could do a specific task for them.

This alternative comes across as friendly and energetic.

Therefore, it works especially well if you run your own small business and want to develop a lasting rapport with your customers.

This phrase also exhibits your capabilities and shows that you are willing to work around your client’s requests and expectations, which is always a great sign!

To see this phrase in action, have a look at the example below:

Dear Boyd,

That’s perfectly doable!

Do you have a preference for the color of your model as well?

Kind regards,
Maya Slade

8. I Will Make That Happen

I will make that happen is a very earnest phrase that you can use when your boss has given you a potentially difficult task.

This phrase implies that you will do whatever it takes to carry out your employer’s instructions, which is a great quality in an employee.

Furthermore, saying I will make that happen shows that you have confidence in your capabilities and are tenacious when faced with a complex situation.

Therefore, see how we’ve used this phrase in an email sample:

Dear Monica,

I will make that happen for you.

Please provide the address when you receive it.

Mark Thewlis

9. I’m on It

You can use the more informal alternative, I’m on it, in an email to a colleague you are close to.

This phrase is friendly and casual, so we wouldn’t recommend using it in an email to your boss or a client.

However, if you have a friendly relationship with your coworker, you can usually do away with the email formalities and be shorter and to the point in your responses.

In fact, this may even be ideal in a busy office setting, as being prompt and clear in your emails will save time.

Consider the example below:

Hi Gene,

I’m on it.

All the best,

10. I Would Be Delighted To

I would be delighted to is a great response when your boss has presented you with a valuable opportunity.

For example, you may be asked to represent your company at an event or travel to a work-related event on your employer’s behalf.

Tasks of this nature are very valuable to your career progression and show that your employer has faith and confidence in your abilities.

Moreover, it shows that they trust you to represent your organization well.

Therefore, you can show your gratitude and enthusiasm with the phrase I would be delighted to.

Let’s see this phrase in our final email example:

Dear Ms. Edebiri,

I would be delighted to attend the conference in your stead, and I am very grateful for the opportunity.

Kind regards,
Chelsey Wengert

Is It Correct to Say “Will Do”?

It is correct to say will do when someone has requested or instructed you to carry out a task, and you are willing and capable of doing so.

This phrase is business casual. Therefore, you can use it in professional emails to promptly respond to a request from your boss or a colleague.

However, it may be too informal for an email to a client or customer, so use it with caution.

Nevertheless, it is suitable to use whatever the size or nature of your organization.

Have a look at the two email samples below illustrating how you can use this phrase at work:

Dear Danika,

Sure, will do.

All the best,

Dear Clive,

Will do, thanks.


Although the phrase will do is perfectly correct, it is rather standardized.

Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to zest up your phrasing from time to time using one or more of the synonyms on our list.

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