What Is Another Way to Say “However”?

Looking for synonyms for however? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say however.

  • Nonetheless
  • Nevertheless
  • Yet
  • Still
  • Though
  • Although
  • On the other hand
  • Conversely
  • Despite this
  • Even so
  • Notwithstanding
  • In contrast
  • Conversely
  • That said
  • All the same
  • Be that as it may
  • Alternatively
  • At the same time
  • Then again
  • Irrespective of that

Want to learn how to say however professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Nonetheless

Appropriate Use: ‘Nonetheless’ is used to introduce a contrasting point that does not diminish the previous statement.
Example: “The project was challenging; nonetheless, the team completed it on schedule.”

2. Nevertheless

Appropriate Use: ‘Nevertheless’ is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been mentioned.
Example: “The weather was poor; nevertheless, the outdoor event proceeded as planned.”

3. Yet

Appropriate Use: ‘Yet’ is used to introduce a contrasting idea that follows logically from the previous point.
Example: “He is a novice in this field, yet his insights are surprisingly profound.”

4. Still

Appropriate Use: ‘Still’ is used to show that the proceeding statement contrasts with the previous one.
Example: “The market was volatile. Still, we managed to make a profit.”

5. Though

Appropriate Use: ‘Though’ is used at the end of a sentence to introduce a contrasting idea.
Example: “The solution was not ideal, though it was the only feasible option.”

6. Although

Appropriate Use: ‘Although’ is used to introduce a subordinate clause that contrasts with the main clause.
Example: “Although the task was daunting, the team felt prepared.”

7. On the other hand

Appropriate Use: ‘On the other hand’ is used to introduce a point that is markedly different from a previously stated idea.
Example: “The software is costly; on the other hand, it offers unparalleled functionality.”

8. Conversely

Appropriate Use: ‘Conversely’ is used to introduce a statement that reverses or contrasts with the previous one.
Example: “The strategy works well in urban areas; conversely, it is less effective in rural settings.”

9. Despite this

Appropriate Use: ‘Despite this’ is used to introduce a statement that acknowledges a fact while contrasting it.
Example: “There were several obstacles. Despite this, the project was a success.”

10. Even so

Appropriate Use: ‘Even so’ is used to introduce a point that contrasts with what has just been said, suggesting a surprising conclusion.
Example: “The evidence was inconclusive; even so, the committee decided to proceed.”

11. Notwithstanding

Appropriate Use: ‘Notwithstanding’ is used to introduce a statement that exists despite the presence of contrasting evidence.
Example: “Notwithstanding the lack of resources, the team managed to meet their deadline.”

12. In contrast

Appropriate Use: ‘In contrast’ is used to draw a direct comparison that shows clear differences.
Example: “In contrast to the previous model, the new version offers improved performance.”

13. Conversely

Appropriate Use: ‘Conversely’ is used to introduce a statement that is opposite to the previous one.
Example: “The first approach was ineffective. Conversely, the alternative strategy yielded better results.”

14. That said

Appropriate Use: ‘That said’ is used to introduce a statement that provides a contrast or exception to what was previously mentioned.
Example: “The plan is risky; that said, it’s the only option we have.”

15. All the same

Appropriate Use: ‘All the same’ is used to suggest that despite a concession, one’s opinion remains unchanged.
Example: “The proposal has its merits. All the same, I believe we should not proceed with it.”

16. Be that as it may

Appropriate Use: ‘Be that as it may’ is used to acknowledge a point before dismissing it to make a different or opposing point.
Example: “Be that as it may, the current financial situation does not allow for such investments.”

17. Alternatively

Appropriate Use: ‘Alternatively’ is used to introduce a different idea or suggestion.
Example: “We could follow the original plan. Alternatively, we might consider a more innovative approach.”

18. At the same time

Appropriate Use: ‘At the same time’ is used to introduce a contrasting idea that occurs concurrently.
Example: “The software is user-friendly; at the same time, it lacks advanced features.”

19. Then again

Appropriate Use: ‘Then again’ is used to introduce a reconsideration or second thought that contrasts with what was previously said.
Example: “This strategy seems effective. Then again, it might be too risky for our current situation.”

20. Irrespective of that

Appropriate Use: ‘Irrespective of that’ is used to indicate that the following statement is true despite something else mentioned before.
Example: “There are potential risks involved. Irrespective of that, the benefits outweigh the risks.”

Linda Brown