What Is Another Way to Say “Age-Old”?

Looking for synonyms for age-old? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say age-old.

  • Ancient
  • Time-honored
  • Timeless
  • Historic
  • Traditional
  • Classic
  • Perennial
  • Enduring
  • Ageless
  • Immortal
  • Long-standing
  • Venerable
  • Antiquated
  • Old-fashioned
  • Ancestral

Want to learn how to say age-old professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Ancient

Use when: Referring to something very old, often from a distant past.
Example: “The museum houses an impressive collection of ancient artifacts.”

2. Time-honored

Use when: Something is respected or valued because it has existed for a long time.
Example: “The company follows time-honored traditions and values.”

3. Timeless

Use when: Indicating something that is not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion.
Example: “The principles outlined in the book are timeless and universally applicable.”

4. Historic

Use when: Something is important in history, or likely to be considered important in the future.
Example: “The signing of the treaty was a historic event.”

5. Traditional

Use when: Referring to customs, beliefs, or methods that have existed for a long time without changing.
Example: “The firm uses traditional methods in its manufacturing process.”

6. Classic

Use when: Indicating something that has been judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality.
Example: “The building’s architecture has a classic elegance.”

7. Perennial

Use when: Something that is enduring or continually recurring.
Example: “The perennial challenge for the business has been maintaining quality.”

8. Enduring

Use when: Something that lasts over a period of time, especially despite hardships.
Example: “Her enduring commitment to excellence has made her a leader in her field.”

9. Ageless

Use when: Describing something that never seems to get old or lose its appeal.
Example: “The ageless beauty of this art style continues to inspire designers.”

10. Immortal

Use when: Referring to something that will last or be remembered forever.
Example: “His theories have become immortal in the field of economics.”

11. Long-standing

Use when: Indicating something that has existed or lasted for a long time.
Example: “The long-standing partnership between the two companies has been mutually beneficial.”

12. Venerable

Use when: Something that deserves a lot of respect because of its age and quality.
Example: “The venerable institution has been at the forefront of research for over a century.”

13. Antiquated

Use when: Describing something old-fashioned or outdated.
Example: “The company needs to update its antiquated computer systems.”

14. Old-fashioned

Use when: Referring to something that is not in current fashion or style.
Example: “The old-fashioned approach to sales is no longer effective in today’s digital world.”

15. Ancestral

Use when: Relating to, derived from, or inherited from ancestors.
Example: “The ancestral knowledge of the craft has been passed down through generations.”

Linda Brown