What Is Another Way to Say “Generally Speaking”?

Looking for synonyms for generally speaking? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say generally speaking.

  • Broadly speaking
  • In general
  • On the whole
  • By and large
  • For the most part
  • Largely
  • Overall
  • As a rule
  • Typically
  • More often than not

Want to learn how to say generally speaking professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Broadly speaking

Appropriate Use: To introduce a statement that applies in a wide range of circumstances, not focusing on specifics.
Example: Broadly speaking, the company’s financial health has improved over the past quarter.

2. In general

Appropriate Use: To make a generalization or summarize a common trend or pattern.
Example: In general, our customer feedback has been positive regarding the new product line.

3. On the whole

Appropriate Use: To give an overall assessment or summary that considers all factors.
Example: On the whole, the project was a success, despite some minor setbacks along the way.

4. By and large

Appropriate Use: To indicate that a statement is true in most situations or for the most part.
Example: By and large, the team has adapted well to the remote working environment.

5. For the most part

Appropriate Use: To acknowledge that while there may be exceptions, the statement is generally accurate.
Example: For the most part, the software update has been well-received by users.

6. Largely

Appropriate Use: To suggest that something is mostly true or applicable, with some minor exceptions.
Example: The merger has been largely successful in achieving its intended synergies.

7. Overall

Appropriate Use: To provide a summary that considers all aspects or the general effect of something.
Example: Overall, the quarter’s results exceeded our expectations.

8. As a rule

Appropriate Use: To describe what usually happens or what the general practice is.
Example: As a rule, the company reviews its strategic plan annually.

9. Typically

Appropriate Use: To describe what is normal or usual in a given situation.
Example: Typically, we see an increase in sales during the holiday season.

10. More often than not

Appropriate Use: To indicate that something happens most of the time but not always.
Example: More often than not, our clients are satisfied with the solutions we provide.

Linda Brown