What Is Another Way to Say “Follow Up”?

Looking for synonyms for follow up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say follow up.

  • Pursue
  • Continue
  • Proceed with
  • Carry on
  • Follow through
  • Check on
  • Revisit
  • Monitor
  • Inspect
  • Supervise
  • Review
  • Track
  • Examine
  • Keep up with
  • Oversee
  • Confirm
  • Validate
  • Update
  • Assess
  • Evaluate

Want to learn how to say follow up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Pursue

To continue or proceed along a path or route.

  • Example: The team decided to pursue the new strategy after the initial success.

2. Continue

To keep doing an activity or work without stopping.

  • Example: After the meeting, we will continue our discussion on the project’s next steps.

3. Proceed with

To go forward or onward, especially after stopping.

  • Example: We will proceed with the implementation phase as soon as the plan is approved.

4. Carry on

To continue an activity or task.

  • Example: The research team will carry on their experiments despite the funding cuts.

5. Follow through

To complete an action or process that has been started.

  • Example: It’s important that we follow through with our commitments to our clients.

6. Check on

To make an examination or investigation.

  • Example: Please check on the progress of the new recruits’ training.

7. Revisit

To consider or examine something again.

  • Example: We need to revisit our marketing strategy in light of the new market trends.

8. Monitor

To watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose.

  • Example: The manager will monitor the team’s performance over the next quarter.

9. Inspect

To examine carefully, especially formally.

  • Example: We should inspect all the equipment regularly for safety compliance.

10. Supervise

To oversee the execution, use, or conduct of.

  • Example: She was appointed to supervise the construction of the new facility.

11. Review

To go over or examine critically or deliberately.

  • Example: Let’s review the project report before submitting it to the client.

12. Track

To follow the progress or development of something.

  • Example: The software allows us to track customer feedback efficiently.

13. Examine

To inspect closely.

  • Example: The finance department will examine the expenditure reports from each department.

14. Keep up with

To maintain a pace or level with.

  • Example: It’s challenging to keep up with the latest technological advancements.

15. Oversee

To watch over and direct.

  • Example: He will oversee the new marketing campaign.

16. Confirm

To establish the truth or correctness of something previously believed or suspected.

  • Example: Can you confirm the details of the agreement?

17. Validate

To check or prove the validity or accuracy of something.

  • Example: The results of the experiment need to be validated by an independent party.

18. Update

To bring up to date.

  • Example: Please update the team on the status of the project.

19. Assess

To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

  • Example: The committee will assess the proposals before making a decision.

20. Evaluate

To judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of something.

  • Example: It is essential to evaluate the risks involved in the venture.

Linda Brown