What Is Another Way to Say “Delusional”?

Looking for synonyms for delusional? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say delusional.

  • Unrealistic
  • Illusory
  • Fantastical
  • Hallucinatory
  • Irrational
  • Fanciful
  • Misguided
  • Unfounded
  • Erroneous
  • Misconceived
  • Quixotic
  • Impractical
  • Dreamlike
  • Chimerical
  • Utopian

Want to learn how to say delusional professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unrealistic

Appropriate Use: Suitable for ideas or expectations that are not based on reality or practicality.
Example: “The project’s goals were criticized as unrealistic given the current resources.”

2. Illusory

Appropriate Use: Ideal for perceptions or beliefs that are falsely or deceptively conceived.
Example: “The company’s success was illusory, largely inflated by short-term gains.”

3. Fantastical

Appropriate Use: Best used to describe ideas or plans that are imaginative and fanciful, far removed from reality.
Example: “His business proposal was dismissed as too fantastical to be feasible.”

4. Hallucinatory

Appropriate Use: Suitable for experiences or beliefs that are akin to hallucinations, not grounded in reality.
Example: “The stressed executive was experiencing hallucinatory visions due to lack of sleep.”

5. Irrational

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for actions or thoughts that lack reason or sound judgment.
Example: “The decision to invest in the failing company was seen as irrational by the industry analysts.”

6. Fanciful

Appropriate Use: Ideal for ideas that are imaginative or unrealistic, often whimsically so.
Example: “Her fanciful notions about the company’s future were met with skepticism.”

7. Misguided

Appropriate Use: Best for decisions or beliefs that are based on a wrong or incorrect understanding.
Example: “The marketing strategy was misguided and did not consider the target audience’s preferences.”

8. Unfounded

Appropriate Use: Suitable for beliefs or opinions that lack a solid basis or evidence.
Example: “The rumors about the merger were unfounded and had no impact on the stock prices.”

9. Erroneous

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for beliefs, ideas, or actions that are wrong or inaccurate.
Example: “The report was based on erroneous data, leading to incorrect conclusions.”

10. Misconceived

Appropriate Use: Ideal for plans or notions that are poorly thought out or based on a misunderstanding.
Example: “The product launch was a failure due to a misconceived understanding of the market.”

11. Quixotic

Appropriate Use: Suitable for actions or ideas that are exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, or impractical.
Example: “His quixotic pursuit of a perfect solution delayed the project unnecessarily.”

12. Impractical

Appropriate Use: Best used for ideas or plans that are not feasible or realistic in practice.
Example: “While innovative, the design was ultimately impractical for mass production.”

13. Dreamlike

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations or perceptions that seem surreal or not based in reality.
Example: “The CEO had a dreamlike vision of the company that didn’t align with its actual capabilities.”

14. Chimerical

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for ideas or plans that are fanciful, imaginary, or impossible to achieve.
Example: “The startup’s business model was criticized as chimerical by experienced investors.”

15. Utopian

Appropriate Use: Ideal for ideas or schemes that aim for a perfect society, often impractically idealistic.
Example: “The social policy was utopian in its aspirations and lacked practical implementation strategies.”

Linda Brown