What Is Another Way to Say “Call For”?

Looking for synonyms for call for? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say call for.

  • Require
  • Demand
  • Need
  • Request
  • Warrant
  • Ask for
  • Entail
  • Seek
  • Solicit
  • Necessitate
  • Invite
  • Implore
  • Urge
  • Beseech
  • Summon
  • Command
  • Instruct
  • Appeal for
  • Enjoin
  • Stipulate

Want to learn how to say call for professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Require

When to Use: Indicating a need for something to be necessary or obligatory.
Example: “The project will require additional funding to reach completion.”

2. Demand

When to Use: Used when expressing a firm or urgent request for something.
Example: “The situation demands immediate attention from the management team.”

3. Need

When to Use: Suitable for expressing necessity or requirement.
Example: “This task needs your expertise in data analysis.”

4. Request

When to Use: When politely or formally asking for something.
Example: “We request your presence at the strategy meeting next Thursday.”

5. Warrant

When to Use: Indicates that a situation justifies or necessitates a particular action or response.
Example: “The significant data loss warrants a review of our IT security protocols.”

6. Ask for

When to Use: A general term for requesting something.
Example: “She will ask for feedback on her presentation.”

7. Entail

When to Use: Suitable for indicating something that logically follows or is a consequence of something else.
Example: “Expanding our business internationally entails understanding diverse cultural norms.”

8. Seek

When to Use: Used when attempting to find or obtain something.
Example: “We are currently seeking a solution to the unexpected software glitch.”

9. Solicit

When to Use: Appropriate for seeking something, such as an opinion, support, or business, often formally or earnestly.
Example: “The marketing team solicited input from stakeholders for the new campaign.”

10. Necessitate

When to Use: Indicates that circumstances compel a certain course of action.
Example: “The project’s scope change will necessitate additional resources.”

11. Invite

When to Use: Suitable for requesting someone’s presence or participation.
Example: “The conference invites experts to discuss the latest trends in technology.”

12. Implore

When to Use: Used for begging someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
Example: “I implore the team to meet the deadlines to avoid project delays.”

13. Urge

When to Use: Indicates strongly advising or trying to persuade someone to take a particular action.
Example: “Management urges all employees to adhere to the new safety protocols.”

14. Beseech

When to Use: A more dramatic form of requesting earnestly or anxiously.
Example: “She beseeched the board to reconsider their decision on the funding cut.”

15. Summon

When to Use: Appropriate for authoritatively or urgently calling on someone to be present.
Example: “The CEO summoned the managers for an emergency meeting.”

16. Command

When to Use: Indicates an authoritative instruction or directive.
Example: “The director commanded the team to prioritize the urgent project.”

17. Instruct

When to Use: Suitable for directing or ordering someone to do something.
Example: “She instructed her assistant to schedule a meeting with all department heads.”

18. Appeal for

When to Use: Used when making a serious or urgent request, especially to the public.
Example: “The organization made an appeal for donations to support the relief efforts.”

19. Enjoin

When to Use: Indicates directing or imposing something with authority and emphasis.
Example: “The executive enjoined the staff to comply with the new regulations.”

20. Stipulate

When to Use: Suitable for specifying a requirement as part of an agreement or contract.
Example: “The contract stipulates that all deliverables must be completed by the end of the month.”

Linda Brown