What Is Another Way to Say “Behind the Scenes”?

Looking for synonyms for behind the scenes? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say behind the scenes.

  • Backstage
  • Behind the curtain
  • Offstage
  • Out of the spotlight
  • In the background
  • Behind the scenes
  • Under the radar
  • Behind closed doors
  • Off the record
  • In the shadows
  • Unseen
  • Sub rosa
  • In secret
  • Covertly
  • Privately

Want to learn how to say behind the scenes professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Backstage

Appropriate Use: Often used in theatrical or event contexts to refer to activities out of the public view.
Example: The team worked tirelessly backstage to ensure the event’s success.

2. Behind the curtain

Appropriate Use: Refers to actions or decisions made in private, especially in a business or political setting.
Example: The merger was planned behind the curtain, announced only after finalization.

3. Offstage

Appropriate Use: Similar to backstage, but can also be used in broader contexts to indicate actions away from public view.
Example: Much of the project’s critical work occurred offstage and was crucial to its success.

4. Out of the spotlight

Appropriate Use: Used when actions are taken without public attention or recognition.
Example: Our IT team works out of the spotlight but plays a vital role in our operations.

5. In the background

Appropriate Use: Indicates actions or processes occurring without being in the main focus.
Example: He prefers to work in the background, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

6. Behind the scenes

Appropriate Use: Refers to all unseen activities that contribute to a public outcome.
Example: A lot of strategic planning happens behind the scenes in our company.

7. Under the radar

Appropriate Use: Describes activities done discreetly or without attracting attention.
Example: The team developed the software update under the radar to surprise the users.

8. Behind closed doors

Appropriate Use: Indicates private or confidential meetings or negotiations.
Example: The board’s decision was made behind closed doors last Thursday.

9. Off the record

Appropriate Use: Refers to information not intended for public disclosure.
Example: He provided some insights about the merger, but strictly off the record.

10. In the shadows

Appropriate Use: Used to describe work or actions taken in a hidden or unnoticed manner.
Example: Many critical decisions in the company are made in the shadows by senior management.

11. Unseen

Appropriate Use: Refers to actions or efforts not visible to the public or most employees.
Example: The success of the event was largely due to unseen efforts of the logistics team.

12. Sub rosa

Appropriate Use: A term used particularly for secretive or confidential processes.
Example: The negotiation between the two companies was conducted sub rosa.

13. In secret

Appropriate Use: Used for activities or decisions made confidentially.
Example: The product development was carried out in secret to avoid information leaks.

14. Covertly

Appropriate Use: Indicates actions done secretly or without open acknowledgment.
Example: The market analysis was done covertly to assess competitors without alerting them.

15. Privately

Appropriate Use: Refers to actions taken in a non-public or personal capacity.
Example: The CEO often consults with her advisors privately before making major decisions.

Linda Brown