What Is Another Way to Say “Almost Always”?

Looking for synonyms for almost always? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say almost always.

  • Nearly always
  • Most of the time
  • Frequently
  • Usually
  • Generally
  • More often than not
  • In most cases
  • Typically
  • Habitually
  • Regularly
  • Customarily
  • As a rule
  • Predominantly
  • For the most part
  • Consistently

Want to learn how to say almost always professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Nearly Always

Used when an action or event occurs with very few exceptions.
Example: “He is nearly always the first to arrive at the office.”

2. Most of the Time

Suitable for situations where something happens more often than not.
Example: “Most of the time, our team meetings are very productive.”

3. Frequently

Ideal for describing actions or events that happen often.
Example: “She frequently contributes valuable insights during brainstorming sessions.”

4. Usually

Appropriate for something that happens under normal circumstances.
Example: “The manager usually approves these requests within a day.”

5. Generally

Used to describe what typically happens in the majority of cases.
Example: “Employees are generally satisfied with the new benefits package.”

6. More Often Than Not

Suitable when something is the case or happens on more occasions than it does not.
Example: “More often than not, our projects are completed ahead of schedule.”

7. In Most Cases

Used to indicate a general trend or common occurrence.
Example: “In most cases, the client’s feedback has been positive.”

8. Typically

Appropriate for describing what is usual or expected in a given situation.
Example: “He typically responds to emails within a few hours.”

9. Habitually

Ideal for something that is done out of habit or routine.
Example: “She habitually checks all reports for accuracy before submission.”

10. Regularly

Used to describe actions that occur at consistent intervals.
Example: “The team regularly meets every Monday for updates.”

11. Customarily

Suitable for describing something that is done according to custom or habit.
Example: “The company customarily recognizes outstanding employees every quarter.”

12. As a Rule

Used to indicate what is usually the case.
Example: “As a rule, our office remains closed on weekends.”

13. Predominantly

Appropriate for situations where something is mainly or primarily the case.
Example: “Predominantly, our customers are satisfied with our services.”

14. For the Most Part

Used to describe the majority or the general part of something.
Example: “For the most part, the conference was well-received by attendees.”

15. Consistently

Ideal for indicating a uniform or stable pattern over time.
Example: “The team has consistently met its sales targets for the last year.”

Linda Brown