What Is Another Way to Say “Happy to Be Part of the Team”?

You’ve just joined a new job, been tasked with a new project, or are about to collaborate with a coworker. How do you express how elated you are while still sounding professional?

If you’re feeling stuck, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll show you how to say you are happy to join a team in an email.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “Happy to Be Part of the Team”

Check out these 10 great ways to let your team know that you’re happy to be there:

  • It’s an honor to be associated
  • I’m looking forward to working with you
  • Excited to work with you all
  • It’s a pleasure to be working with you
  • Keen to be working alongside you
  • Happy to be involved
  • Pleased that you gave me a chance
  • Thank you for including me
  • Glad we’re teaming up
  • Keen to join your team

1. It’s an Honor to Be Associated

You’ve done it – you’ve landed that dream job you wanted at an organization you really care about. This is a tremendous moment, and you should let your new employer know how much it means to you.

Therefore, you can use it’s an honor to be associated to show your passion for the work you’ll be doing. Moreover, this will let your new boss know that they made the right choice in picking you for the role!

Consider the example email below to see this phrase in action:

Dear Mr. Tromlen,

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

It’s an honor to be associated with such a renowned and exceptional team of people.

Yours sincerely,
Clarissa Weston

2. I’m Looking Forward to Working With You

When you’ve started a new job and you want to formally let your colleagues know that you are keen to be a part of their workforce, you can say I’m looking forward to working with you.

This is a great phrase to include in a group message to your new teammates. Firstly, it is suitably professional to use in a corporate office setting. Secondly, it will show your peers that you are polite and thoughtful to boot!

Therefore, let’s see a sample email making use of this phrase:

Good Morning,

Today is my first day in the office, and I wanted to introduce myself and invite you all to my desk in room 4 should you need anything.

I’m looking forward to working with you and I hope to make a valuable addition to the team.

Warm regards,

3. I’m Excited to Work With You All

A more informal way to tell your colleagues that you’re happy to be part of the team is to say I’m excited to work with you all.

You can use this phrase if you know that the culture of your new workplace is fairly casual and friendly. It will be easy to discern this from the interview process! This message will show that you are high-energy and enthusiastic, which are both great qualities to have in a coworker. 

Check out the email example below:

Hi All,

I’m the new intern, and I wanted to let you know that I’m here to assist as needed.

I’m excited to work with you all and hope to meet each of you soon!

All the best,

4. It’s a Pleasure to Be Working With You

It’s a pleasure to be working with you is a great phrase to use if you or your company are collaborating with another organization.

This is not a rare occurrence, especially if you work in event planning or another job that has many moving parts.

This phrase is suitably formal and polite to create a good rapport with the other party. Additionally, it shows that you respect their contributions to the project.

Consider the example email below to see what we mean:

Dear Miss Croftcon,

It’s a pleasure to be working with you, and I’m sure our combined teams will put together a stunning and memorable event.

Julianne Less

5. Keen to Be Working Alongside You

When you are collaborating with a coworker or someone you’ve outsourced for a project, you can let them know that you are grateful for their help and keen to work with them.

Keen to be working alongside you is suitably polite and formal to use with someone you have only recently met but are happy to work with.

Therefore, let’s see an email sample with this phrase included:

Dear Lerato,

I am very keen to be working alongside you for this installation, and I value the unique set of skills you will contribute to our design.

Kind regards,
Stephen Frowne

6. Happy to Be Involved

When you’ve been selected for a team project, you can let your colleague know that you are happy to be involved in a quick email.

This phrase is a great way to show your team spirit, and it will hopefully prompt them to invite you to future projects as well.

Happy to be involved comes across as a tad casual, so it would be best to use it with a coworker with whom you already have a rather friendly dynamic.

For example, consider the email below:

Dear Todd,

I’m really happy to be involved in this presentation, so thank you for thinking of me!

Warm regards,

7. Pleased That You Gave Me a Chance

If your employer or a coworker has given you some responsibility in a project, that means they have faith in your capabilities!

Therefore, you can say pleased that you gave me a chance to let them know that you are taking their trust in you very seriously. What’s more, you will give every effort to do your part effectively.

See the email sample below:

Dear Ms. Boateng,

I am pleased that you gave me a chance to work on this project.

Moreover, I am confident that you won’t regret your choice.

Jordan Redd

8. Thank You for Including Me

You can say thank you for including me if a coworker has brought you on for a big task or project that is sure to propel your career forward. It is always good to show gratitude when someone gives you a shot, after all!

Firstly, this phrase is best suited for when you’re talking to a colleague who may be higher up in your workplace’s structural hierarchy. It keeps things polite and formal for the time being.

Secondly, saying thank you for including me will help to build a strong rapport between you and this coworker, so they’ll hopefully think of you when projects come up in the future as well.

Finally, have a look at the following example:

Dear Yui,

Thank you for including me in this project. I am greatly appreciative of the experience I will gain.

Warm regards,

9. Glad We’re Teaming Up

Glad we’re teaming up is a great informal phrase to use in an email to your colleague, so long as you have a close relationship and a friendly dynamic in the office.

Essentially, it never hurts to let your peer know that you respect their skills and are keen to work with them on a task. Therefore, you can’t go wrong with sending a quick, friendly email expressing your enthusiasm.

To see what we mean, check out the email sample below:

Dear Trent,

I’m really glad we’re teaming up for this project. After all, you’re the best designer in the office!

All the best,

10. Keen to Join Your Team

Another way to say happy to be a part of the team is keen to join your team. This phrase is especially suitable if you have been approached by a team or organization for a specific project.

In other words, you can use this phrase if you have been outsourced for a particular purpose. This phrase is friendly and polite without being too familiar.

This is ideal, as the company knows you are a good person to work with in general. Moreover, it never hurts to express that you’re keen to get new work!

Therefore, let’s see an email example with this phrase in tow:

Dear Mr. Grimm,

Thank you for this opportunity.

I am very keen to join your team for this endeavor, as I can see what talented and fervent individuals make up your organization.

Kind regards,
Suella Morse

Is It Correct to Say “Happy to Be Part of the Team”?

It is correct to say that you are happy to be part of the team if you’re participating in a team project or when you’re meeting your new employer and colleagues at the start of a new job.

In fact, this phrase shows your enthusiasm and positive outlook while being suitably professional to use in all kinds of work settings.

Therefore, we’ve drafted a couple of email examples below to illustrate how to use this phrase.

In our first example, we’ll look at the best way to use this phrase in an email to your employer once you’ve landed a new job:

Dear Ms. Mbeki,

Thank you for this opportunity.

I am happy to be part of the team and looking forward to assisting in the pursuits of your brilliant organization.

Kind regards,
Bretta Plett

Next, let’s see an email to a coworker who has invited you onto a team project:

Dear Michael,

I’m so happy to be part of the team!

Please let me know what I can contribute.

Kind regards,

Although happy to be part of the team is a polite and professional way to express your keenness to join a new workforce or collaborate at work, it may come across as a bit standardized and generic.

Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to zest up your language with some of our alternative phrases from time to time.

Kahlan House