What Is Another Way to Say “For Your Reference”?

Okay, so you would like someone to refer to an attachment or email.

You might be worried that for your reference is too demanding or bossy.

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

This article will share some alternatives to help you understand how to say for your reference in an email.

8 Alternative Ways to Say “For Your Reference”

These 8 alternatives will help you understand another way to say for your reference in an email:

  • For your perusal
  • As a point of reference
  • As a resource
  • To provide context
  • As an informational aid
  • To offer insight
  • As a guide
  • To help clarify

1. For Your Perusal

You can use for your perusal instead of for your reference.

It’s a great formal option that shows you’re attaching a file to help someone.

Generally, it lets the recipient know you have something important to share. It’s a good way to encourage them to keep track of what you’re writing about.

Feel free to review this email sample before you leave:

Dear Michael,

I’ve attached the folder for your perusal. Once you have some time, please review it and let me know how it goes.

Katie Hudson

2. As a Point of Reference

Another great alternative is as a point of reference. It works really well as a professional phrase that shows you’re willing to share new information.

It also allows the recipient to refer back to the information shared.

Try using it when emailing an employer. It lets them know that the information you’re sharing is of great importance, so they should jot it down or pay attention to it.

In most cases, the things you’ll share with an employer are your cover letters and CVs. Therefore, this is a great way to highlight just how important you believe you are as a candidate.

You can also review this email sample if you need more help:

Dear Mr. Grover,

As a point of reference, please refer to my CV. I have attached it and would like to know whether I’m a good fit for this role.

All the best,
Jayden Pickett

3. As a Resource

Try using as a resource when providing information that will be beneficial later.

It’s a great way to get someone to refer to your email in the future. It shows that they’ll have to come back to it because you’ve provided an important insight.

Try using it when emailing an employer. It allows you to attach your resume when you’re applying for a job.

This shows confidence and lets the employer know you mean business. So, it should help them to refer back to your resume when the time comes.

You should refer to this sample email if you need help:

Dear Mr. Kitchen,

As a resource, I have attached my resume. Please review it when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

All the best,
Pete Wilkinson

4. To Provide Context

When someone is struggling to understand something, you can provide information to them with to provide context.

It’s a great formal synonym for for your reference.

You can use it to show that you’re happy to provide information.

It might work well when contacting a client and explaining more about a situation to them.

Here’s an example to show you how to use it if you still don’t get it:

Dear Miss Smythe,

To provide context, I have attached the minutes of this meeting. It’s a great way for you to learn what we spoke about.

Best regards,
Sam Wyvern

5. As an Informational Aid

It’s worth using as an informational aid in some settings as well. This is an interesting and unique alternative that not many people use.

So, we recommend including it when sharing references with a client. It shows that you’re sharing something that should help them to understand more about the context of something.

We highly recommend using it to indicate that you’re in control of a situation.

Clients will thoroughly appreciate the confidence that comes with a phrase like this.

If you’re still unsure, check out this example:

Dear Ms. Hill,

As an informational aid, you should refer to the attached document. It will clear everything up if you still have questions.

Best wishes,
Daniel Edgley

6. To Offer Insight

Feel free to use to offer insight instead of for your reference.

If you’ve left someone in the dark or haven’t fully explained something until the current email, this phrase works wonders.

It lets the recipient know that you’re now sharing information that should help them to understand what’s going on.

After all, it’s a confident and formal phrase. Therefore, it’s great to include when emailing an employee who’s asking some questions.

We also recommend reviewing the following example:

Dear Hillary,

I would like to offer insight with the following attachment. Please review it as soon as you are able and let me know your thoughts.

Warmest regards,
Ben Deichmann

7. As a Guide

If you want the recipient to repeatedly refer to something you’ve referenced, use as a guide instead of for your reference.

That way, you can make things as clear as possible. It’s direct and to the point.

It also suggests that the recipient should come back to review it later. A guide typically refers to something that will help someone many times over.

Here’s a great example email to show you more about how it works:

Dear Team,

As a guide, please find attached the new changes we’re going through. It should help you understand what’s expected of you.

All the best,
Suzanna Murphy

8. To Help Clarify

Finally, you can use to help clarify. It’s another way to say for your reference in a formal email.

Generally, this is a great way to show that you’re clearing up any confusion for the recipient.

Try using it when emailing a client with updates or information carried out in your workplace.

While they might not have been present for the meeting, this phrase works to help them understand what’s happening.

You can also refer to this email sample to learn more:

Dear Mr. Brent,

To help clarify, please see attached file. It should cover everything you need to know about the things we spoke about.

Best regards,
Dan King

Is It Correct to Say “For Your Reference”?

For your reference is correct in most professional situations.

It means you’ve attached a file to refer to. Generally, it contains important information that the recipient may have to refer back to at some point in the future.

We recommend using it when emailing employees or clients. It’s a great way to share something crucial that they shouldn’t ignore.

This example will help you understand how to use for your reference in an email:

Dear Hillary,

For your reference, I’ve attached the file. Please let me know what you think about the information.

James Cornforth

You can also use for your information. It’s a variation that means the same thing. It shows that you have important information to share that you’d like someone’s attention for.

For instance:

Dear Miss Clark,

Please find the attached file for your information. Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me.

Best regards,
Eddie Blank

George O'Connor