What Is Another Way to Say “Excited to Join the Team”?

So, you’ve just been invited to join a new team, and you want to give off a good impression.

Well, if you’re worried that excited to join the team gives off the wrong tone, you’ve come to the right place!

This article will explore how to say you are excited to start a new job to help you keep your writing interesting.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “Excited to Join the Team”

You can refer to these 7 alternatives to see how to say excited to join the team:

  • Eager to become a part of the team
  • Thrilled about joining the team
  • Enthusiastic to be a team member
  • Looking forward to being part of the crew
  • Keen to start contributing to the team
  • Bursting with anticipation to join the team
  • Overjoyed to be a new team member

1. Eager to Become a Part of the Team

To start off, you can use eager to become a part of the team. It’s a great phrase that shows just how keen you are to start working with another team.

Try using it when contacting an employer. It tends to work best when accepting an interview invitation.

Generally, it’ll let an employer know that you’re ready to integrate yourself within a team. So, it’s a great way to show just how keen and ready you are.

If you’re still unsure, check out this example:

Dear Mr. Edgar,

I’m eager to become a part of the team. Thanks so much for allowing me this opportunity to express myself.

Duncan Redd

2. Thrilled About Joining the Team

You can introduce yourself as a manager to a new team with thrilled about joining the team.

It’s a great way to set a positive first impression. Generally, this will let the people who will work for you know that you’re more friendly and interesting than a typical manager.

Here’s a great email sample to also show you how to use it:

Dear Staff,

I’m so thrilled about joining the team. I’ve certainly heard many great things about you, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Best regards,
Sam Parker

3. Enthusiastic to Be a Team Member

Feel free to use enthusiastic to be a team member as a professional way to say excited to join the team.

It’s a great phrase that shows you’re really keen to get stuck in.

Usually, it will work before an interview. So, you can write it when contacting a recruiter to let them know how keen you are.

Also, we recommend reviewing this sample email:

Dear Ms. Harris,

I’m enthusiastic to be a team member, so thank you for this opportunity. I can’t wait to meet you at the interview.

Best wishes,
Madison Mainly

4. Looking Forward to Being Part of the Crew

Spice up an excited to join the team message with looking forward to being part of the crew.

This one tends to work best when you’ve already been accepted for a job. So, it’s best to use it after a successful interview.

We recommend directing this phrase to your new boss. It shows you’re keen and eager to get stuck in and meet the people you’ll be working with.

Here’s a great sample email to show you more about how it works if you’re still unsure:

Dear Mr. Barracks,

Looking forward to being part of the crew. Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like from me on my first day.

Stefan Holder

5. Keen to Start Contributing to the Team

You should also try keen to start contributing to the team instead of excited to join the team.

It’s a friendly and positive way to introduce yourself to your colleagues. It works well when sending a bulk email to your team, which should help to encourage more open communication.

Generally, this will set a great first impression and show your new colleagues that you mean well!

If you’re still unsure, check out the following example:

Dear All,

I’m keen to start contributing to the team. I’m so thankful for this opportunity and won’t let you down.

All the best,
Sarah Stace

6. Bursting With Anticipation to Join the Team

We also recommend using bursting with anticipation to join the team. This one is a bit more conversational and light-hearted.

So, you might find it more beneficial to use it on social media sites like LinkedIn.

Generally, it’s a great way to showcase your enthusiasm. It shows you’re excited to join the company in a more friendly and interesting way.

Also, here’s a great LinkedIn post sample to help you understand more about it:

Dear Colleagues,

I’m bursting with anticipation to join the team. I can’t wait to show you that I’m going to be a valuable member.

All the best,
Scott Francs

7. Overjoyed to Be a New Team Member

Finally, we recommend using overjoyed to be a new team member. This is a great alternative to excited to join the team that helps you to spice things up.

It’s friendly and entertaining. So, it’s a great choice when sending a bulk email to colleagues.

Try using it when introducing yourself to new staff. It’s going to set a great first impression moving forward.

You can also refer to this email sample:

Dear All,

I’m so overjoyed to be a new team member. I genuinely can’t wait to show you what I can do.

Andrew Tough

Is It Correct to Say “Excited to Join the Team”?

Excited to join the team is correct to use in professional emails.

It’s a great way to send an introductory email to your peers. Generally, it gives off a great first impression and shows how excited you are to start working for a new company.

We also recommend using it when emailing a new employer before an interview. It shows just how keen you are to begin, which could be a great way to encourage them to take you on.

You can review this email sample to learn a little more about how it works:

Dear All,

I am very excited to join the team and look forward to working with you all. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Best regards,
Dan Michaelson

You don’t just have to say team, either. Sometimes, it works better to write company to help you mix things up.

For example:

Dear Mr. Parks,

I am excited to join the company. Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to bring.

Michelle Rosen

However, before using the phrase, you must ensure you know how to use it correctly. Getting the join verb wrong could lead to some embarrassing results!

Mistake: Using joining instead of join

  • Correct: I am excited to join the team.
  • Incorrect: I am excited to joining the team.

You can’t use the gerund form (joining) with to. To only works when using the infinitive form of the verb (join).

George O'Connor