What Is Another Way to Say “Please See Attached”?

You want to make sure that the receiver of your email takes note of the attachment therein. But is please see attached still used in the modern workplace?

In this article, we’ll answer that question. Moreover, we’ll show you how to write an email with an attachment using more modern phraseology.

10 Alternative Ways to Say “Please See Attached”

Below, you’ll find 10 other ways to say please see attached in a professional email:

  • Attached below
  • Here is
  • I have attached
  • Please consider the attachment below
  • I am sharing
  • You will find (thing attached) attached below
  • See our (thing attached) below
  • Please see the enclosed
  • Take a look at the attached
  • In the attachment below

1. Attached Below

When you’re emailing a recruiter for a potential new job, you can let them know that you have included your resume using the phrase attached below.

Essentially, this is a straightforward alternative to please see attached that you can use in all kinds of professional circumstances. It will ensure that your email maintains a formal and professional tone without seeming stuffy.

For example:

Dear Miss Royale,

I am writing to apply for the Social Media Manager role you advertised on LinkedIn.

My resume is attached below for you to consider.

Yours sincerely,
Tabitha Greene

2. Here Is

Here is is another short and sweet way to introduce an attachment. It uses very plain English to ensure that the recipient will understand the content of your email.

Moreover, using here is sounds neither particularly formal nor especially casual. Therefore, you can use it in a range of correspondence, including a message to a co-worker.

Consider how we’ve used this phrase in the following email sample:

Dear Duncan,

For your reference, here is the updated file.

Let me know if I can help with anything else.

All the best,

3. I Have Attached

You can use the phrase I have attached in any professional email correspondence, as this phrase is very tonally neutral.

Nevertheless, we’ll look at an example where an email is going out to someone from another company or firm. This is just one of the many instances in which this phrase would be appropriate.

See our email example below:

Dear Miss Sinclair,

I have attached to this email a fee statement on behalf of my client.

Please consider its content and get back to me with your suggestions.

Sinead Harp

4. Please Consider the Attachment Below

If you’re sending an email to your employer, you’ll want to use a more formal and courteous tone. Moreover, you’ll ideally include the word “please.” The same would apply to a message to anybody higher up in your work hierarchy.

Therefore, you can use the phrase please see the attachment below to direct your boss or superior to whatever document or file you have included in your email.

Have a look at the sample email below:

Dear Zendaya,

Please consider the attachment below.

It contains the documents you requested and the minutes I prepared from the meeting this morning.

Kind regards,

5. I Am Sharing

If you run a small business or work as a freelancer, you will probably have a fairly diverse client base. Therefore, it’s suitable to speak in a very plain and direct way in your email correspondence.

You can use the phrase I am sharing in any email that includes an attachment. Essentially, this phrase directs them to whatever document you have added below.

See how we’ve used this phrase in the following email sample:

Dear Ms. Laghari,

I am sharing a pamphlet setting out my latest fee ranges for you to consider.

Please have a look and feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.

Kind regards,
Damien Trou

6. You Will Find the (Thing Attached) Below

When you’re speaking to a customer or client, it’s good to use a straightforward phrase like you will find the (thing attached) below.

This phrase is suitably formal to use if you work in a large corporate setting. It comes across as very neutral and impartial, which is great for a purely informative email.

Let’s see this phrase used in an email example:

Dear Mr. Foreman,

You will find the pricing information you requested attached below.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,
Wesley Pollock

7. See Our (Thing Attached) Below

Another professional way to say please see attached is, see our (thing attached) below. The inclusion of “our” implies that you are sending this email on behalf of your organization.

Therefore, you can use this phrase in a promotional email to a client. For example, one that introduces them to any new products or services your company is offering.

Have a look at the example below:

Dear Miss Claudia West,

We are excited to announce a new Student Membership Program at all of our stores.

See our brochure below for more information.

Happy studying!
Keelie Colman

8. Please See the Enclosed

Should you ever have to send a completely non-digital, 100% paper letter (we know – what a concept!), then you can use the phrase, please see the enclosed to direct the recipient to any additional documents you’ve included in your envelope.

Firstly, this is a suitably formal phrase to include in a letter to, well, anyone. Secondly, if you work for a public office, for example, you may find yourself sending out formal letters to citizens very frequently.

Therefore, let’s see an example using this phrase in a public office context:

Dear Mr. Munson,

Your golfing license is set to expire on 14 April 2023.

Please see the enclosed pamphlet setting out the content of your renewal application.

Yours Sincerely,
Councilor Beu Rockracey

9. Take a Look at the Attached

If you have a close relationship with your co-workers, you can generally get away with more casual phrasing in your work emails.

Therefore, you can use the phrase take a look at the attached to direct your peer to the attachment in your email.

See the email example below:

Hi Jake,

I have just heard back from the copywriter we outsourced last month.

Take a look at the attached invoice for your reference.


10. In the Attachment Below

In the attachment below is another multi-purpose phrase that you can use in essentially any email exchange.

Usually, you will use this phrase if the attachment you’ve added contains more than one document or file. For example, it could be a number of documents, or a range of content, included in a zip file.

This marks the difference between a document being in the attachment as opposed to it being the attachment itself.

Have a look at our final email sample:

Dear Aleska,

As requestion, you’ll find my report on the client’s tax behavior in the attachment below.

All the best,

Is It Correct to Say “Please See Attached”?

It is correct to say please see attached in a formal email. This phrase is suitably formal to use, no matter what kind of organization you work for. However, it is considered slightly outdated in modern times.

Nevertheless, have a look at how to use this phrase in the examples below:

Dear Mr. Gorm,

I am reaching out to apply for the internship advertised on your company’s website.

Please see attached my resume for your consideration.

Kind regards,
Jane Hofstetter

It is also appropriate to write this phrase as please find attached, as you can see from our next example:

Dear Jerry,

As requested, please find attached the file for the client’s case.


It is also correct to write this phrase as please see the attached. Where you use this variation, you can remove the “the” before the object of your sentence like so:

  • Correct: Please see attached the file you requested.
  • Correct: Please see the attached file you requested.

Kahlan House